Bug Reports or Suggestions
If you're experiencing a problem with SAID, submit the following information and possibly a graphical
representation of the bug.
Please include the following information in an e-mail, and send it to Marian Domanski and
Tim Straub, or ssc_surrogates@simon.er.usgs.gov
(see User Group tab for more information on subscribing to the ssc_surrogates mailing list)
- Contact Information: Name, Phone Number, and E-mail Address
- What version of the software are you using?
- What operating system are you using?
- An explanation of the problem (e.g., "Input data not being read correctly")
- If the problem is reproducible, please list the steps required to re-create the problem
(e.g., "1. Load Dataset. 2. Insert some text ...)
- If the problem is not reproducible (only happened once, or occasionally for no apparent reason)
please describe the circumstances in which it occurred and the symptoms observed
(Note: it is much harder to fix non-reproducible bugs)
- If the problem causes any error messages to appear, please write down the exact text displayed
- If you have a SAID dataset that demonstrates the problem, the "Save" option is under the "File" menu
on the main SAID window. Send the MAT file that is created from saving
If you want to make a suggestion you can send email to the addresses listed above.