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Freshwater-Saltwater Interactions along the Atlantic Coast

A Regional Assessment of the Ground-Water Resources Program

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Saltwater Intrusion

Vertical movement (pconing) of saltwater at a discharging well
Vertical movement (upconing) of saltwater at a discharging well.

(Figure modified from Reilly, T.E., 1993, Analysis of ground-water systems in freshwater-saltwater environments, in Alley, W.M., ed., Regional ground-water quality: New York, Van Nostrand Reinhold, 634 p.)

Figure 2 -- Ground-water flow patterns in an idealized aquifer
Figure 3 -- Zone of dispersion in the Biscayne aquifer
Figure 4 -- Vertical movement (upconing) at a discharging well
Figure 5 -- Vertical movement of saline water in the Floridan aquifer system

For more Information, Contact
Paul Barlow, Coordinator
Atlantic Coastal Zone Assessment
U.S. Geological Survey
10 Bearfoot Road
Northborough, MA 01532
(508) 490-5070

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Page Last Modified: Tuesday, 03-Jan-2017 20:47:13 EST