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USGS Groundwater Information

Groundwater Resources Program

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 [Photo: Groundwater flowing out of well.]

New & Noteworthy

* Press Release: Study Explores Groundwater and Geothermal Energy in Drought-Stricken Eastern Oregon and Neighboring States

* Technical Announcement: USGS Issues Revised Framework for Hydrogeology of Floridan Aquifer

* Press Release: High Plains Aquifer Groundwater Levels Continue to Decline

* Regional Groundwater Availability Study Geospatial Data

* Press Release: USGS Assesses Current Groundwater-Quality Conditions in the Williston Basin Oil Production Area

Past listings...

USGS Groundwater Watch

USGS maintains a network of active wells to provide basic statistics about groundwater levels.

 [Image: USGS active water level wells location map.]

Other Water Topics

*  Water Resources

*  Groundwater

*  Surface Water

*  Water Quality

*  Water Use

USGS in Your State

USGS Water Science Centers are located in each state.

 [Map: There is a USGS Water Science Center office in each State.] Washington Oregon California Idaho Nevada Montana Wyoming Utah Colorado Arizona New Mexico North Dakota South Dakota Nebraska Kansas Oklahoma Texas Minnesota Iowa Missouri Arkansas Louisiana Wisconsin Illinois Mississippi Michigan Indiana Ohio Kentucky Tennessee Alabama Pennsylvania West Virginia Georgia Florida Caribbean Alaska Hawaii and Pacific Islands New York Vermont New Hampshire Maine Massachusetts South Carolina North Carolina Rhode Island Virginia Connecticut New Jersey Maryland-Delaware-D.C.

Groundwater Model Development

The USGS is at the forefront of devising new techniques to solve practical problems in the study of groundwater resources. Predictive models are needed to make informed decisions in many emerging areas related to the effects of groundwater development. New models and methods enhance all USGS water programs. State and local governments as well as groundwater scientists and engineers in the private sector regularly use USGS models as an integral part of their work.

The USGS Modular Groundwater Flow Model (MODFLOW) is the most widely used program in the world for simulating groundwater flow. The USGS developed MODFLOW in the early 1980s. The Groundwater Resources Program (GWRP) continues to support the enhancement of MODFLOW with updates that help scientists and engineers simulate common features in groundwater systems. New features have been added and the software has been updated to incorporate advancements in our understanding of groundwater hydrology, to respond to changes in user needs, and to take advantage of constantly increasing computer power and speeds.

Below are examples of and links to USGS groundwater software:

Selected USGS Groundwater Software

The software packages below are examples of key USGS groundwater software that has been developed with GWRP support.


MODFLOW-USG uses an unstructured-grid approach to simulate groundwater flow and tightly coupled processes using a control volume finite-difference formulation.

GSFLOW: Groundwater and Surface-Water Flow Model

GSFLOW is a coupled groundwater and surface-water flow model based on the USGS Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System (PRMS) and MODFLOW-2005.

GWM-2005 with LGR

Groundwater Management Model Process 2005 is a Groundwater Management Process for the USGS modular three-dimensional groundwater model, MODFLOW-2005, using optimization with local grid refinement (LGR) capability.

Farm Process (FMP)

Farm Process estimates dynamically integrated supply-and-demand components of irrigated agriculture as part of the simulation of surface-water and groundwater flow based on MODFLOW-2000 and MODFLOW-2005.


MODFLOW-LGR is a version of MODFLOW-2005 with local grid refinement.

SEAWAT: 3D Variable-Density Groundwater Flow and Transport

SEAWAT is a generic MODFLOW/MT3DMS-based computer program designed to simulate three-dimensional variable-density groundwater flow coupled with multi-species solute and heat transport.

Seawater Intrusion (SWI2) Package for MODFLOW

The SWI2 Package is the latest release of the Seawater Intrusion (SWI) Package for MODFLOW. The SWI2 Package allows 3D vertically integrated variable-density groundwater flow and seawater intrusion in coastal multiaquifer systems to be simulated using MODFLOW-2005.

SWB: A Modified Thornthwaite-Mather Soil-Water-Balance Code for Estimating Groundwater Recharge

The Soil-Water-Balance (SWB) code has been developed to allow estimates of potential recharge to be made quickly and easily. The code calculates components of the water balance at a daily timestep by means of a modified version of the Thornthwaite-Mather soil-moisture-balance approach.

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Recently Released USGS Groundwater Software RSS

USGS releases new software and updates existing software on an ongoing basis. The USGS software packages listed here are the most recent groundwater software releases and updates.

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For More Information:

Browse or download USGS MODFLOW and related programs. Additional USGS groundwater software and supporting documentation can be found through the USGS Groundwater Software web page.

You can also learn more about how the USGS continues to lead in the development and application of groundwater modeling software.

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Page Contact Information: Contact the Groundwater Resources Program
Page Last Modified: Tuesday, 03-Jan-2017 20:45:11 EST