Borehole radar being set up at the Naval Industrial
Reserve Ordinance Plant (NIROP), Fridley, Minnesota, field site.
On-site field house where oil is stored prior to and during injection.
Eric White (OGW, Branch of Geophysics) pouring
ferrofluids into oil that is to be injected into the ground.
Eric White (OGW, Branch of Geophysics) and Peter
Joesten (OGW, Branch of Geophysics) lower a borehole radar antenna
into borehole.
Peter Joesten (OGW, Branch of Geophysics) (left,
background) and Eric White (OGW, Branch of Geophysics) (right,
foreground) conduct borehole radar survey.
Chris Kochiss (OGW, Branch of Geophysics) holds radar receiver
antenna in borehole during vertical radar profiling survey. Transmitter
antenna is located on the ground surface in the foreground of
the picture.
Chris Kochiss (OGW, Branch of Geophysics) lowers
borehole radar antenna into well that was used for oil injection.
Alton Anderson (USGS NY District) and Dick Hodges
(USGS Borehole Geophysics Research Project, Denver) prepare to
conduct neutron logging in borehole at NIROP.
Alton Anderson (USGS NY District) and Dick Hodges
(USGS Borehole Geophysics Research Project, Denver) clean neutron
logging tool after conducting logging in boreholes at NIROP.
Peter Joesten (OGW, Branch of Geophysics) pulls
radar cable to remove radar antenna from borehole.