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Photo Gallery of FY2002 OGW BG Research at Loring Air Force Base, Maine

 [Photo: Loring research site]

View looking down at research area, Loring Air Force Base, Maine. White tubing is part of the steam injection set up.

 [Photo: scientist pulling tool from borehole]

Colette Grégoire (Katholieke Universiteit Lueven, Belgium) lowers radar antenna in borehole.

 [Photo: Scientist holding borehole tool]

Peter Joesten (OGW, Branch of Geophysics) holds borehole electromagnetic induction tool while Colette Grégoire (Katholieke Universiteit Lueven, Belgium) prepares to clean it.

 [Photo: Scientists discussing research on site]

Peter Joesten (OGW, Branch of Geophysics) and Colette Grégoire (Katholieke Universiteit Lueven, Belgium) explain the geophysical remediation monitoring to visitors.

 [Photo: Scientist at computer in trailer]

Peter Joesten (OGW, Branch of Geophysics) processes preliminary borehole radar data. White casing on the left is for antenna storage.

 [Photo: field set up with radar antenna visible]

Peter Joesten (OGW, Branch of Geophysics) prepares for surface-to-borehole data collection. Surface radar antenna can be seen in the center of the photo.

 [Photo: radar trailer in the snow]

Preliminary borehole radar data were collected in the winter before remediation efforts began.

 [Photo: Scientist working at winch in truck in the rain]

Colette Grégoire (Katholieke Universiteit Lueven, Belgium) conducts wireline borehole survey.

 [Photo: Research at the Loring site]

Chris Kochiss (OGW, Branch of Geophysics) raises borehole radar antenna in borehole while welders work on the steam injection system.

 [Photo: Scientist giving talk on site]

Peter Joesten (OGW, Branch of Geophysics) explains the borehole geophysics remediation monitoring experiment to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency personnel and consulting scientists.


Read a summary of this project.

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Page Last Modified: Thursday, 29-Dec-2016 20:04:41 EST