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USGS Groundwater Information: Hydrogeophysics Branch

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As part of improvements to the USGS Water Resources Mission Area web presence to better serve you, this site is being sunset.
As some content is migrated to new locations, users will be redirected automatically.
In the interim, these pages are not being updated.
If you have questions, please contact the Hydrogeophysics Branch at

[an error occurred while processing this directive] Internal USGS users should bookmark our new HGB internal home page:


As a means of sharing and disseminating the work done at the OGW, Branch of Geophysics, staff often make presentations at USGS offices and districts nationally, at conferences and meetings, and at other formal and informal gatherings. Below you will find samples of these presentations.

Note: Some or all of this information is presented in Portable Document Format (PDF); the latest version of Adobe Reader or similar software is required to view it. Download the latest version of the free Adobe Reader from the Adobe web site. [Link exits USGS] Visit [Link exits USGS] for free tools that allow visually impaired users to read PDF files.

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Page Last Modified: Friday, 20-Oct-2017 18:40:25 EDT