USGS Groundwater Information: Hydrogeophysics Branch
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A Joint Project of USGS, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 5,
and Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières (BRGM), France
Surface magnetic
resonance sounding (MRS) surveys were conducted near Tuscon, Arizona,
in November 2001. The purpose of these surveys was to test the MRS equipment
in an environment with high levels of cultural interference, such as
the power lines that can be seen in this photo. Through analysis of
the data, it was determined that using smaller multi-turn
loops in this environment did not increase the signal-to-noise ratio enough
to warrant their use.
The data collected in Arizona were inverted to solve for estimated water content, relative permeability of the sediments, and the decay time of the magnetic resonance signal. The graphs below show, from left to right: water content and T1 decay time, in percent, with depth; relative permeability in meters per second, with depth; and the change in amplitude of the signal with time. | |
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