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MRS: Haddam Meadows, CT, Field Work

A Joint Project of USGS, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 5,
and Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières (BRGM), France


[Photo: BRGM Scientist operates computer during field experiment]
Magnetic resonance sounding (MRS) surveys were conducted at Haddam Meadows State Park, Connecticut, in order to test the MRS equipment in a site with minimal noise from power lines and other types of cultural interference. These surveys were conducted in unconsolidated sediments, primarily sands and silts. This study explored how conductive materials in the subsurface affect MRS results.
The data collected at Haddam Meadows were inverted to solve for estimated water content, in percent, in the subsurface at different depths.  A contoured section (below) is shown for depths up to 40 meters below land surface.  Warmer colors (reds) indicate areas of relatively higher water content, and cooler colors (blues) indicate areas of relatively lower water content. 

[Image: Contour map showing varying water content, in percent, at Haddam Meadows]


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Page Last Modified: Thursday, 29-Dec-2016 20:02:24 EST