Well Screens |
The Well Screens tab on the MNW2 pane contains a table within which multiple wells screens can be defined for vertical wells. The Well Screens tab is only visible if the well is vertical. The user can specify a formula for each required parameter. The formula will be evaluated once for each well screen.
Well screen top (ZTop) The top of the open interval (well screen). It does not need to be at the top or bottom of a cell but it should be in an active cell.
Well screen bottom (ZBottom) The bottom of the open interval (well screen). It does not need to be at the top or bottom of a cell but it should be in an active cell.
Well radius (Rw) The well radius is the distance from the center of the well to inner edge of the well casing.
Skin radius (Rskin) The skin radius is the distance from the center of the well to the outer edge of the skin (gravel pack or formation damage).
Skin hydraulic conductivity (Kskin) This is the hydraulic conductivity of the skin (gravel pack or formation damage) that surrounds the well.
Linear well loss coefficient (B), Non-linear well loss coefficient (C), and Power term (P) If the General option is selected, the following equation is used to calculate the well loss. (hWELL = hn + AQn + BQn + CQn P) The user must specify B, C, and P. A is calculated from the well radius. A value of P = 2.0 is suggested if no other data are available (the model allows 1.0 ≤ P ≤3.5). Entering a value of C = 0 will result in a “linear” model in which the value of B is entered directly (rather than entering properties of the skin, as with the SKIN option.
Cell to well conductance (CWC) If the user chooses to specify the cell to well conductance directly, CWC is that conductance.