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Viewing Model Results

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To view the spatial distribution of head, drawdown, or flows from a MODFLOW, SUTRA, or WellFootprint model, select File|Import|Model Results... Then select the file containing the results that are to be viewed. With MODFLOW models, the Select Model Results to Import dialog box will appear. With SUTRA models, the Import SUTRA Model Results dialog box will appear. With  WellFootprint the Import WellFootprint Results dialog box will appear In any of the dialog boxes, select one or more of the results. The results will be imported into ModelMuse and can be used to generate contours or color the grid just as can be done with any other data set. Spatial data from MODFLOW, PHAST, and SUTRA can be displayed in Model Viewer (Hsieh and Winston, 2002). Time-series plots of data from MODFLOW can be displayed with GW_Chart (Winston, 2000).