UZF6: Unsaturated-Zone Flow Package for MODFLOW 6

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The Unsaturated-Zone flow package simulates vertical flow through the unsaturated zone and into the saturated zone. it approximates the unsaturated flow as a set of kinematic waves. Each wave is divided vertically into a series of zones (a leading wave and several trailing waves) that each have a different water content and hence are affected by different unsaturated hydraulic conductivities. By default each wave has 7 trailing waves and there can be up to 40 kinematic wave sets.

The UZF package also simulates evapotranspiration from the unsaturated and saturated zones.

UZF6: Unsaturated-Zone Flow Package for MODFLOW 6 pane is on the MODFLOW Packages and Programs dialog box under Boundary Conditions | Head Dependant Flux. It is used to activate or deactivate the UZF package in MODFLOW 6 and to specify options in that package.

Number of trailing wave (ntrailwaves) defines that number of trailing waves for each kinematic wave set.

Number of wavesets (nwavesets) defines the maximum number of kinematic wave sets per cell.

Simulate groundwater seepage (SIMULATE_GWSEEP) If this option is selected, groundwater discharge (GWSEEP) to land surface will be simulated. Groundwater discharge is nonzero when groundwater head is greater than land surface.

Save binary UZF budget file (.uzf_budget) If this option is selected, the budget information for the unsaturated zone will be written to a binary file with the extension .uzf_budget.

hmtoggle_plus1Evapotranspiration (ET)
hmtoggle_plus1Unsaturated ET method