Print Flags |
The Print Flags pane is on the SWR: Surface-Water Routing Process Pane of the MODFLOW Packages and Programs dialog box.
The Print Flags pane is used to control the output from the Surface-Water Routing process.
Save stage, inflows, and outflows for reach groups (ISWRPRGF): This is used to save the stage and all information about inflows and outflows from each reach group to either a binary or text file using a comma-separated-value format. Data for reach groups is saved with a frequency equal to RTPRN or at the SWR1 time step corresponding to the end of each MODFLOW time step if RTPRN = 0.0.
Save stage (ISWRPSTG): This is used to save stage for each reach to either a binary or text file using a comma-spaced-value format. Data for reach stage is saved with a frequency equal to RTPRN or at the SWR1 time step corresponding to the end of each MODFLOW time step if RTPRN = 0.0.
Save reach values (ISWRPQAQ): This is used to save the aquifer-reach exchanges from each reach; the stream stage, depth, wetted perimeter, and streambed conductance; and the head difference and gradient from the reach to the groundwater to either a binary or text file using a comma-spaced-value format. Aquifer-reach exchange data for each reach is saved with a frequency equal to RTPRN or at the SWR1 time step corresponding to the end of each MODFLOW time step if RTPRN = 0.0.
Save reach lateral flow (ISWRPQM): This is used to save the lateral flow and velocity for each reach connection to either a binary or text file using a comma-spaced-value format. Non-zero velocities are only reported for reach connections without surface-water control structures.Lateral-flow data for each reach connection is saved with a frequency equal to RTPRN or at the SWR1 time step corresponding to the end of each MODFLOW time step if RTPRN = 0.0.
Save structure flow (ISWRPSTR): This is used to save the structure flow, upstream stage, downstream stage, gate elevation, and gate opening data for each structure to either a binary or text file using a comma-spaced-value format. Structure data are saved with a frequency equal to RTPRN or at the SWR1 time step corresponding to the end of each MODFLOW time step if RTPRN = 0.0.
Save maximum Froude number (ISWRPFRN): This is used to save summary information on the maximum Froude number for reaches simulated by the diffusive-wave approximation for each SWR1 time step to the MODFLOW LST file. A summary of the maximum Froude number for all SWR1 time steps is also summarized in the MODFLOW LST file at the end of the last MODFLOW time step in the last stress period.
Print SWR data to screen (PRINT_SWR_TO_SCREEN): Iteration data for each SWR1 time step is reported to the screen.
Save SWR time step length (SAVE_SWRDT): The SWR1 time step length for each SWR1 time step is written to an ASCII or binary output file.
Save average simulated results (SAVE_AVERAGE_RESULTS): Average simulated results for each SWR1 output time (RTPRN) will be written to the listing file.
Save convergence history (SAVE_CONVERGENCE_HISTORY): The convergence history for each SWR1 time step is written to an ASCII output file. Convergence history is written using a column format with a separate row for each SWR1 time step.
Save River package: The Surface-Water Routing process can save a standard River package input file. The data are written at the SWR1 output frequency (SWR_Print_Flags). There are three options.
•None: No River package input file is written.
•SAVE_RIVER_PACKAGE: A River package input file is written for the active reaches.
•SAVE_RIVER_PACKAGE_ALL: A River package input file is written for both the active and inactive reaches.
Save observations: Simulated reach stage, water depth, flow to another reach, baseflow, and/or structure flow to another reach at select locations can be written to a file. The SWR Observations dialog box can only be displayed if SAVE_SWROBSERVATIONS or SAVE_SWROBSERVATIONS_ALL is selected. There are three options.
•None: No observations will be saved.
•SAVE_SWROBSERVATIONS: Save the results with a frequency equal to RTPRN
•SAVE_SWROBSERVATIONS_ALL: Save the results for every SWR time step
Observation format (IOPTUNIT): This determines whether the observations are saved to a text file or a binary file.
Frequency with which data is saved (RTPRN): RTPRN defines the frequency of SWR1 results output to ASCII or binary result files. Results are saved to SWR1 output files for SWR1 time steps corresponding to the end of each MODFLOW time step if RTPRN = 0.0. If RTPRN > 0.0, RTPRN should be ≥ RTMIN.