OBS: Observation Utility Package Pane

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MODFLOW 6 can print a variety of simulated values at every time step. The types and locations of observations are defined using objects. The output can be either a text file or a binary file.Output format determines which format is used.

If binary output is selected, Binary output precision controls whether the data (including simulated values and, for continuous observations, time values) are written as single- or double-precision.

If text output is selected, Text number of digits controls the number of significant digits with which simulated values are written to the output file. The digits specifier has no effect on the number of significant digits with which the simulation time is written for continuous observations. Text files are written as "comma-separated value" (.csv) files. They can be read in text editors or spreadsheet programs.

See also: OBS: Observation Utility Pane on the Object Properties dialog box.