MT3D Pane |
The MT3D pane of the MODFLOW Output Control dialog box is used to control how what is saved in MT3DMS and MT3D-USGS.
SAVUCN is a logical flag indicating whether the concentration solution should be saved in a default unformatted (binary) file named MT3Dnnn.UCN, where nnn is the species index number, for post-processing purposes or for use as the initial condition in a continuation run. If SAVUCN = T, the concentration of each species will be saved in the default file MT3Dnnn.UCN. In addition, the model spatial discretization information will be saved in another default file named MT3D.CNF to be used in conjunction with MT3Dnnn.UCN for postprocessing purposes. If SAVUCN = F, neither MT3Dnnn.UCN nor MT3D.CNF is created. |
NPRS is a flag indicating the frequency of the output and also indicating whether the output frequency is specified in terms of total elapsed simulation time or the transport step number. Note that what is actually printed or saved is controlled by the input values entered in the preceding record (Record A15). If NPRS > 0, simulation results will be printed to the standard output text file or saved to the unformatted concentration file at times as specified in record TIMPRS(NPRS) to be entered in the next record. If NPRS = 0, simulation results will not be printed or saved except at the end of simulation. If NPRS < 0, simulation results will be printed or saved whenever the number of transport steps is an even multiple of NPRS. |
NPROBS is an integer indicating how frequently the concentration at the specified observation points should be saved in the observation file MT3Dnnn.OBS. Concentrations are saved every NPROBS step. |
CHKMAS is a logical flag indicating whether a one-line summary of mass balance information should be printed, for checking and postprocessing purposes, in the default file MT3Dnnn.MAS where nnn is the species index number. If CHKMAS = T, the mass balance information for each transport step will be saved in file MT3Dnnn.MAS. If CHKMAS = F, file MT3Dnnn.MAS is not created. |
NPRMAS is an integer indicating how frequently the mass budget information should be saved in the mass balance summary file MT3Dnnn.MAS. Mass budget information is saved every NPRMAS step. |