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ModelMuse Utility Programs for PEST

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Several utility programs are distributed with ModelMuse to facilitate the usage of ModelMuse with PEST. EnhancedTemplateProcessor is used to process input file templates. It can substitute parameter values or array references into templates and evaluate formulas in the templates. Mf6ObsExtractor, Mf2005ObsExtractor, and SutraObsExtractor are used to extract simulated values from model output files produced by MODFLOW 6, MODFLOW-2005 (and related versions of MODFLOW), and SUTRA respectively. The simulated values are compared with observed values during parameter estimation.

Normally, the user does not interact with these programs directly; ModelMuse takes care of coordinating the input and output of these programs with PEST. Their usage is documented here for users who may wish to use them in other contexts.

In the descriptions that follow items in square brackets [] are optional and items in angled brackets <> represent values such as file names that are supplied in the input.