LAK: Lake package for MODFLOW 6 Pane |
The Lake package simulates lakes whose elevations can rise or fall due to interaction with groundwater. The pane for this package is on the MODFLOW Packages and Programs dialog box under Head Dependant Flux.
If the Print stage checkbox is checked, the list of lake stages will be printed to the listing file for every whenever head is printed.
If the Save binary Lake stage file (.lk_stg) checkbox is checked, the lake stages will be saved in a binary file with the extension ."lk_stg."
If the Save binary lake budget file (.lk_bud) checkbox is checked, the lake flow budget information will be saved in a binary file with the extension ."lk_bud."
Surfaced depression depth (SURFDEPTH) SURFDEPTH is used to reduce numerical oscillations.
See also: LAK: Lake Package for MODFLOW 6 Pane on the Object Properties dialog box
There are several data sets related to the Lake package. They are used for display purposes and can only be changed by defining a lake with an object using the LAK: Lake Package for MODFLOW 6 Pane on the Object Properties dialog box.