LAK: Lake Package for MODFLOW 6 Pane

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The LAK: Lake Package for MODFLOW 6 pane is on the MODFLOW Features tab of the Object Properties dialog box.

Lakes are usually defined by polygon objects. The upper Z formula is typically the top of the model and the lower surface represents is the bottom of the lake. If the lake is conceptualized as sitting on top of the groundwater system but having no horizontal connections, only the vertical connections direction should be specified. Lake cells (except for lakes embedded in a single cell) are inactive.

The pane has three tabs plus one more tab for each outlet associated with the lake. Water can flow from one lake to another through a lake outlet.

Lake Properties tab

The Lake Properties tab defines the properties of the lake that do not change with time except for the Lake table (if used)

Number of outlets: This specifies the number of outlets from the lake. one outlet tab will be created for each outlet.

Connection directions:

Horizontal: The lake has connections to cells that are horizontally adjacent to it.

Vertical: The lake has connections to cells that are vertically adjacent to it.

Single-cell lake: The lake is entirely enclosed in a single cell. Such lakes can have horizontal or vertical connections but not both.

Starting stage: This defines the starting stage for the lake. It is measured relative to the same datum as the groundwater heads.

Bottom elevation: This defines the bottom elevation of the lake-cell connection for lakes that have horizontal connections and are are not single-cell lakes.

Top Elevation: This defines the top elevation of the lake-cell connection for lakes that have horizontal connections and are are not single-cell lakes.

Lakebed K: This defines the hydraulic conductivity of the lakebed and helps define the lakebed leakance.

Lakebed thickness: This defines the thickness of the lakebed and helps define the lakebed leakance. If the lakebed thickness is set to zero, it is assumed that the lake is directly connected to the aquifer.

Connection length: This defines the distance between the cell connected to the lake for single-cell lakes. It is not needed for the vertical connections of multi-cell lakes and it is computed automatically by ModelMuse for horizontal connections of multi-cell lakes.

(Note the connection width required by MODFLOW 6 is computed automatically by ModelMuse.)

Lake Time Properties tab

The Lake Time Properties tab defines the properties of the lake that change with time.

The data that can be specified for the Lake package on the Lake Time Properties tab are the Starting time, Ending time, Status, Stage, Rainfall, Evaporation, Runoff, and Withdrawal.

Starting time and Ending time are explained in the help for the MODFLOW Features tab.

Status: Status can be active, inactive, or constant.

Stage: If the status is constant, Stage is the specified lake stage. Otherwise, stage is ignored.

Rainfall: Rainfall is the rainfall rate onto the lake in units of L/T.

Evaporation: Evaporation is the maximum evaporation rate from the lake in units of L/T.

Runoff: Runoff is the runoff rate into the lake in units of L3/T.

Inflow: Inflow is the inflow rate into the lake in units of L3/T.

Withdrawal: Withdrawal is the withdrawal rate from the lake in units of L3/T.

Lake Table tab

The Lake Table tab is used to define the relationship between lake stage, volume, surface area, and exchange area. (Exchange area is only used for single-cell lakes.)

A lake table is required for a single-cell lake.

Stage: Stage is the independent variable to which the rest of the data in a row are related.

Volume: This is the lake volume corresponding to Stage.

Surface area: This is the lake surface area corresponding to Stage.

Exchange area: This is the area corresponding to Stage through which the lake exchanges water with the groundwater system. Exchange Area is only used for single-cell lakes.

Outlet N tab

Outlets allow for flow from one lake to another. Outlets are optional.

For outlets, the users define starting time, ending time, rate, invert, width, slope roughness, the outlet lake and the outlet type.

Starting time and Ending time are explained in the help for the MODFLOW Features tab.

Rate is the the extraction rate for the lake outflow. A positive value indicates inflow and a negative value indicates outflow from the lake. Rate only applies to active lakes. A specified rate is only applied if the Outlet type is Specified.

Invert is the invert elevation for the lake outlet. Invert only applies to active lakes. Invert is only applied if the Outlet type is not Specified.

Width is the width of the lake outlet. Width only applies to active lakes. Width is only applied if the Outlet type is not Specified.

Slope is the bed slope for the lake outlet. Slope only applies to active lakes.  Slope is only applied if the Outlet type is Manning.

Roughness is the roughness coefficient for the lake outlet. Roughness only applies to active lakes. Roughness is only applied if the Outlet type is Manning.

Outlet lake is the object that defines the lake to which the lake outlet discharges. If no outlet lake is specified, the lake is assumed to discharge to an external boundary.

Outlet type defines which of three outlet types applies to the current outlet. The choices are Specified, Manning or Weir.

Specified: The outlet flow is a value specified by the modeler.

Manning: The outlet flow is calculated using Manning's equation.

Weir: The outlet flow is calculated using a sharp weir equation.

See also: LAK: Lake package for MODFLOW 6 Pane on the MODFLOW Packages and Programs dialog box.