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Navigation: Initial Dialog Boxes

Initial Model Area Dialog Box

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The Initial Model Area dialog box is used to specify the grid for a new ModelMuse SUTRA project either when first starting ModelMuse or by selecting File|New.

Clicking the Finish button will create a new model at the location specified in the Model Location table and using the specified options.

Three types of model (MSHSTR) can be created: a two dimensional areal model, a two dimensional profile model, or a three dimensional model.

SUTRA can transport either solutes or heat (SIMULA). When transporting solutes, it is possible to use head rather than pressure so long as the solute concentration is low enough that changes in the density or water due to changes in solute concentration can be ignored.

For three dimensional models, the user can specify the number of layer groups in the model and specify default values for the elevations of the boundaries of the layer groups. Spatially varying layer boundaries can be specified later by using formulas or objects to set data set values. (See Assigning Values to Data Sets.) The user can also specify a minimum thickness of layer groups. If the calculated vertical thickness of any layer group is less than the minimum thickness, the position of nodes will be adjusted downward so that the vertical thickness of the layer group equals the specified minimum thickness. The minimum thickness can be set to zero if some units should pinch out. However, if the minimum thickness is set to zero, the user will need to be sure that holes in the mesh an not inadvertently created.