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ModelMuse Help

The menu items under Help are listed in table 14.

Table 14. Help Menu

Menu Item



Show the contents page of the help system for ModelMuse.

Help On Main Window

Show help for the main window of ModelMuse.

MODFLOW Reference

Shows the Online Guide to MODFLOW with detailed descriptions of the input file formats for MODFLOW

Introductory Video

Show a video describing some of the features of ModelMuse.

All Videos

ModelMuse will display the web page on the ModelMuse web site where videos about ModelMuse are listed.


Show instructions for recreating examples.

Use Local Help

When displaying help, the help in the file ModelMuse.chm will be used. This may not work if ModelMuse is not being run on a Windows® computer.

Use Online Help

When displaying help, the online version of the help will be used. This should work regardless of the operating system used. Users who are operating ModelMuse on Linux using WINE may be able to use this option. An internet connection is required to use this option. Although some users report success on using ModelMuse on Linux using WINE, ModelMuse is only tested on Windows®.

File Types

Display a list of file types handled by ModelMuse in the File Types dialog box.


Shows the About box for ModelMuse.

There are a number of ways to display help on a topic. Most dialog boxes have a help button. Clicking it will display the help for that dialog box. The Help menu in the Main Window can also be used to access the help. Pressing the F1 key will also display help.