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ModelMuse Help

Example 1 is described beginning on p. 85 of the PHAST documentation (Parkhurst and others, 2004). The flow and transport data file itself begins on p. 88. If PHAST is installed on a Windows computer at the default location, this file can be found at C:\Program Files\USGS\phast-1.5.1\examples\ex1\ex1.trans.dat. To follow this example, the user should open this file in a text editor. For the most part, the various data sets will be specified in the same order in which they appear in the original input file. The one exception will be the grid. It will be specified before anything else.

The goals of this example are to:

1.Create a simple model using ModelMuse.

2.Introduce setting default formulas for Data Sets in the Data Sets dialog box.

3.Introduce creating objects.

4.Introduce using objects to specifying boundary conditions.

5.Introduce zooming in and out.

6.Introduce visualizing data.