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Edit Selected Wells Dialog Box

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The Edit Selected Wells dialog box is used to edit the wells that will be used in a contaminant treatment system in MT3D-USGS. The dialog box is displayed by clicking the Edit button in the table on the Wells tab of Contaminant Treatment Systems dialog box.

The dialog box has two lists of objects. On the left is the list of Available well objects. On the right is the list of Selected well objects. Between the two lists are four buttons.

The button labeled ">" moves the selected objects in the Available well objects to the Selected well objects.

The button labeled ">>" moves the all the objects in the Available well objects to the Selected well objects.

The button labeled "<" moves the selected objects in the Selected well objects to the Available well objects.

The button labeled "<<" moves the all the objects in the Selected well objects to the Available well objects.

Click the OK button to accept the changes to the Selected well objects and close the dialog box.

Click the Cancel button to close the dialog box without accepting the changes to the Selected well objects.