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ModelMuse Help

The next step is to activate groundwater transport.

Select "Model|MODFLOW Packages and Programs" and check the check box for the GWT Process and then check the check boxes for the Advection, Dispersion, and Source and Sink Mixing Packages. The Mobile Storage and Transfer and Iterative Model Solution packages will be selected automatically because they are required with groundwater transport. In addition one solute named "Chem" will be automatically added. (If you wish, you can change the solute's name on the Chem Species pane.)

Screen capture of the MODFLOW Packages and Programs dialog box showing the activation of the GWT and other related packages.

Screen capture of the MODFLOW Packages and Programs dialog box showing the activation of the GWT and other related packages.

In the Advection package, select Total Variation Diminishing advection scheme.

Screen capture of the MODFLOW Packages and Programs dialog box showing the specification of the Total Variation Diminishing advection scheme.

Screen capture of the MODFLOW Packages and Programs dialog box showing the specification of the Total Variation Diminishing advection scheme.

Set the solver parameters for the transport model to be the same as they were for the flow model.

You will need to override some of the default solver properties.

Basic Properties

Complexity = Complex

Pseudo-transient continuation = Don't use PTC for any stress period.


Outer DVClose = 0.0001

Outer maximum iteration = 2000

Under-relaxation scheme = DBD

Under-relaxation theta = 0.7

Under-relaxation kappa = 0.08

Under-relaxation gamma = 0.05

Under-relaxation momentum = 0

Backtracking number = 20

Backtracking tolerance = 2

Backtracking reduction factor = 0.2

Backtracking residual limit = 0.0005


Inner maximum iteration = 100

Inner DVClose = 0.00001

Inner RClose = 0.0001

Rclose option = Relative

Linear acceleration = BICGSTAB

Preconditioner levels = 8

Preconditioner drop tolerance = 0.001

Relaxation factor = 0

Number of orthogonalizations = 2