Class TfrmProgressMM




type TfrmProgressMM = class(TfrmCustomGoPhast)


TfrmProgressMM is used to display a progress bar to the user with extra information displayed in memoMessages about what is happening.




Implicit lblProgress: TLabel;
Implicit memoMessages: TMemo;
Implicit pbProgress: TProgressBar;
Implicit pnlTop: TPanel;
Implicit btnAbort: TBitBtn;
Private FPrefix: string;
Private LastTime: TDateTime;
Private LastMessageTime: TDateTime;
Private FShouldContinue: Boolean;


Implicit procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject);
Implicit procedure btnAbortClick(Sender: TObject);
Private procedure SetPrefix(const Value: string);
Private procedure SetProgressLabelCaption(const Value: string);
Private function GetProgressLabelCaption: string;
Private function GetShouldContinue: Boolean;
Public procedure StepIt;
Public procedure AddMessage(Const AMessage: string; AllowUpdate: boolean = True);


Public property ShouldContinue: Boolean read GetShouldContinue write FShouldContinue;
Public property ProgressLabelCaption: string read GetProgressLabelCaption write SetProgressLabelCaption;
Public property Prefix: string read FPrefix write SetPrefix;



Implicit lblProgress: TLabel;

lblProgress: TLabel; lblProgress displays the amount of progress. See StepIt and Prefix.

Implicit memoMessages: TMemo;

memoMessages: TMemo; memoMessages displays messages to the user.

Implicit pbProgress: TProgressBar;

pbProgress: TProgressBar; pbProgress displays the amount of progress. See StepIt.

Implicit pnlTop: TPanel;

pnlTop: TPanel; pnlTop holds the controls at the top of TfrmProgressMM.

Implicit btnAbort: TBitBtn;
Private FPrefix: string;

FPrefix: string; See Prefix.

Private LastTime: TDateTime;
Private LastMessageTime: TDateTime;
Private FShouldContinue: Boolean;


Implicit procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject);

FormShow initializes TfrmProgressMM.

Implicit procedure btnAbortClick(Sender: TObject);
Private procedure SetPrefix(const Value: string);

See Prefix.

Private procedure SetProgressLabelCaption(const Value: string);
Private function GetProgressLabelCaption: string;
Private function GetShouldContinue: Boolean;
Public procedure StepIt;

StepIt advances pbProgress and sets the caption of lblProgress based on Prefix and the amount of progress.

Public procedure AddMessage(Const AMessage: string; AllowUpdate: boolean = True);


Public property ShouldContinue: Boolean read GetShouldContinue write FShouldContinue;

Private declarations

Public property ProgressLabelCaption: string read GetProgressLabelCaption write SetProgressLabelCaption;
Public property Prefix: string read FPrefix write SetPrefix;

Prefix is used in StepIt to help set the caption of lblProgress. See StepIt.

Generated by PasDoc 0.12.1 on 2013-05-13 15:41:39