Class TfrmPrintInitial




type TfrmPrintInitial = class(TfrmCustomGoPhast)


TfrmPrintInitial is used to edit frmGoPhast.Model.PrintInitial.




Implicit btnCancel: TBitBtn;
Implicit btnHelp: TBitBtn;
Implicit btnOK: TBitBtn;
Implicit cbBoundaryConditions: TCheckBox;
Implicit cbComponents: TCheckBox;
Implicit cbConductance: TCheckBox;
Implicit cbEchoInput: TCheckBox;
Implicit cbFluidProperties: TCheckBox;
Implicit cbForceChemistryPrint: TCheckBox;
Implicit cbHDF_Chemistry: TCheckBox;
Implicit cbHDF_Heads: TCheckBox;
Implicit cbHDF_SteadyFlowVelocity: TCheckBox;
Implicit cbHeads: TCheckBox;
Implicit cbMediaProperties: TCheckBox;
Implicit cbSolutionMethod: TCheckBox;
Implicit cbSteadyFlowVelocities: TCheckBox;
Implicit cbWells: TCheckBox;
Implicit cbXYZ_Chemistry: TCheckBox;
Implicit cbXYZ_Components: TCheckBox;
Implicit cbXYZ_Heads: TCheckBox;
Implicit cbXYZ_SteadyFlowVelocities: TCheckBox;
Implicit cbXYZ_Wells: TCheckBox;


Implicit procedure btnOKClick(Sender: TObject);
Implicit procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); override;
Private procedure GetData;
Private procedure SetData;



Implicit btnCancel: TBitBtn;

btnCancel: TBitBtn; Clicking btnCancel closes TfrmPrintInitial without doing anything.

Implicit btnHelp: TBitBtn;

btnHelp: TBitBtn; Clicking btnHelp displays help on TfrmPrintInitial.

Implicit btnOK: TBitBtn;

btnOK: TBitBtn; See btnOKClick.

Implicit cbBoundaryConditions: TCheckBox;

cbBoundaryConditions: TCheckBox; cbBoundaryConditions specifies whether boundary conditions will be printed.

Implicit cbComponents: TCheckBox;

cbComponents: TCheckBox; cbComponents specifies whether components will be printed.

Implicit cbConductance: TCheckBox;

cbConductance: TCheckBox; cbConductance specifies whether conductance will be printed.

Implicit cbEchoInput: TCheckBox;

cbEchoInput: TCheckBox; cbEchoInput specifies whether input will be echoed in the output.

Implicit cbFluidProperties: TCheckBox;

cbFluidProperties: TCheckBox; cbFluidProperties specifies whether fluid properties will be printed.

Implicit cbForceChemistryPrint: TCheckBox;

cbForceChemistryPrint: TCheckBox; cbForceChemistryPrint specifies whether chemistry will be printed.

Implicit cbHDF_Chemistry: TCheckBox;

cbHDF_Chemistry: TCheckBox; cbHDF_Chemistry specifies whether chemistry will be printed in the HDF file.

Implicit cbHDF_Heads: TCheckBox;

cbHDF_Heads: TCheckBox; cbHDF_Heads specifies whether heads will be printed in the HDF file.

Implicit cbHDF_SteadyFlowVelocity: TCheckBox;

cbHDF_SteadyFlowVelocity: TCheckBox; cbHDF_SteadyFlowVelocity specifies whether steady flow velocities will be printed in the HDF file.

Implicit cbHeads: TCheckBox;

cbHeads: TCheckBox; cbHeads specifies whether heads will be printed.

Implicit cbMediaProperties: TCheckBox;

cbMediaProperties: TCheckBox; cbMediaProperties specifies whether media properties will be printed.

Implicit cbSolutionMethod: TCheckBox;

cbSolutionMethod: TCheckBox; cbSolutionMethod specifies whether the solution method will be printed.

Implicit cbSteadyFlowVelocities: TCheckBox;

cbSteadyFlowVelocities: TCheckBox; cbSteadyFlowVelocities specifies whether steady flow velocities will be printed.

Implicit cbWells: TCheckBox;

cbWells: TCheckBox; cbWells specifies whether well data will be printed.

Implicit cbXYZ_Chemistry: TCheckBox;

cbXYZ_Chemistry: TCheckBox; cbXYZ_Chemistry specifies whether chemistry will be printed in the XYZ file.

Implicit cbXYZ_Components: TCheckBox;

cbXYZ_Components: TCheckBox; cbXYZ_Components specifies whether components will be printed in the XYZ file.

Implicit cbXYZ_Heads: TCheckBox;

cbXYZ_Heads: TCheckBox; cbXYZ_Heads specifies whether heads will be printed in the XYZ file.

Implicit cbXYZ_SteadyFlowVelocities: TCheckBox;

cbXYZ_SteadyFlowVelocities: TCheckBox; cbXYZ_SteadyFlowVelocities specifies whether steady flow velocities will be printed in the XYZ file.

Implicit cbXYZ_Wells: TCheckBox;

cbXYZ_Wells: TCheckBox; cbXYZ_Wells specifies whether wells will be printed in the XYZ file.


Implicit procedure btnOKClick(Sender: TObject);

btnOKClick calls SetData.

Implicit procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); override;

FormCreate calls GetData.

Private procedure GetData;

GetData retrieves frmGoPhast.Model.PrintInitial.

Private procedure SetData;

SetData sets frmGoPhast.Model.PrintInitial.

Generated by PasDoc 0.12.1 on 2013-05-13 15:41:39