Class TfrmImportPoints




type TfrmImportPoints = class(TfrmCustomGoPhast)


TfrmImportPoints imports scattered point data into GoPhast.




Implicit btnCancel: TBitBtn;
Implicit btnHelp: TBitBtn;
Implicit btnOK: TBitBtn;
Implicit btnOpenFile: TBitBtn;
Implicit cbInterpolation: TCheckBox;
Implicit cbIntersectedCells: TCheckBox;
Implicit edRoot: TEdit;
Implicit lblRoot: TLabel;
Implicit lblRows: TLabel;
Implicit OpenDialogImportFile: TOpenDialog;
Implicit pcImportPoints: TPageControl;
Implicit pnlBottom: TPanel;
Implicit pnlDataTabControls: TPanel;
Implicit pnlRadioGroups: TPanel;
Implicit rgElevationCount: TRadioGroup;
Implicit rgEvaluatedAt: TRadioGroup;
Implicit rgViewDirection: TRadioGroup;
Implicit tabControls: TTabSheet;
Implicit tabData: TTabSheet;
Implicit dgData: TRbwDataGrid4;
Implicit cbImportAsSingleObject: TCheckBox;
Implicit cbVisible: TCheckBox;
Implicit seRows: TJvSpinEdit;
Implicit pnlData: TPanel;
Implicit jvclbDataSets: TJvxCheckListBox;
Implicit pnlLabelDataSets: TPanel;
Implicit lblBoundaryChoice: TLabel;
Implicit comboBoundaryChoice: TComboBox;
Implicit lblParameter: TLabel;
Implicit comboParameter: TComboBox;
Implicit cbLayer: TCheckBox;
Private XCol: integer;
Private YCol: integer;
Private ZCol: integer;
Private X1Col: integer;
Private Y1Col: integer;
Private Z1Col: integer;
Private X2Col: integer;
Private Y2Col: integer;
Private Z2Col: integer;
Private FImportFileName: string;
Private StartTime: TDateTime;
Private FRequiredCols: Integer;
Private FMultiValueList: TList;
Private FObsCount: Integer;
Private FObsRoot: string;


Implicit procedure cbIntersectedCellsClick(Sender: TObject);
Implicit procedure jvclbDataSetsClickCheck(Sender: TObject);
Implicit procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); override;
Implicit procedure FormKeyUp(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState);
Implicit procedure rgEvaluatedAtClick(Sender: TObject);
Implicit procedure rgViewDirectionClick(Sender: TObject);
Implicit procedure dgDataColMoving(Sender: TObject; const Origin, Destination: Integer; var CanMove: Boolean);
Implicit procedure rgElevationCountClick(Sender: TObject);
Implicit procedure btnOKClick(Sender: TObject);
Implicit procedure btnOpenFileClick(Sender: TObject);
Implicit procedure seRowsChange(Sender: TObject);
Implicit procedure dgDataDistributeTextProgress(Sender: TObject; Position, Max: Integer);
Implicit procedure dgDataEndUpdate(Sender: TObject);
Implicit procedure comboBoundaryChoiceChange(Sender: TObject);
Implicit procedure cbLayerClick(Sender: TObject);
Implicit procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject);
Private procedure UpdateDataSets;
Private procedure UpdateDimensionColumns;
Private procedure SetData;
Private procedure SetCheckBoxCaptions;
Private procedure EnableOkButton;
Private procedure UpdateChdColumns;
Private procedure UpdateDrnColumns;
Private procedure UpdateGhbColumns;
Private procedure UpdateRivColumns;
Private procedure UpdateWelColumns;
Private procedure UpdateHobColumns;
Private procedure SetBoundaryColumnFormats;
Private procedure ImportDataArrayValues(var InvalidRow: Boolean; RowIndex: Integer; PointCount: Integer; var AScreenObject: TScreenObject);
Private procedure ImportModflowBoundary(var InvalidRow: Boolean; AScreenObject: TScreenObject; RowIndex: Integer);



Implicit btnCancel: TBitBtn;

The Cancel button.

Implicit btnHelp: TBitBtn;

btnHelp is the Help button.

Implicit btnOK: TBitBtn;

The OK button.

Implicit btnOpenFile: TBitBtn;

btnOpenFile is the button the user uses to open a file that contains the point data.

Implicit cbInterpolation: TCheckBox;

cbInterpolation specifies whether the imported data points will set values of data sets by interpolation.

Implicit cbIntersectedCells: TCheckBox;

cbIntersectedCells specifies whether the imported data points will set values of data sets at intersected cells.

Implicit edRoot: TEdit;

edRoot specifies a "root" that is used to create names for the imported objects.

Implicit lblRoot: TLabel;

lblRoot labels edRoot.

Implicit lblRows: TLabel;

lblRows is the label for seRows.

Implicit OpenDialogImportFile: TOpenDialog;

OpenDialogImportFile is used to select a file that contains the point data.

Implicit pcImportPoints: TPageControl;

The TPageControl that contains tabControls and tabData.

Implicit pnlBottom: TPanel;

pnlBottom is the bottom panel that holds the OK (btnOK) and Cancel (btnCancel) buttons.

Implicit pnlDataTabControls: TPanel;

pnlDataTabControls is the panel at the bottom of tabData that holds seRows and btnOpenFile.

Implicit pnlRadioGroups: TPanel;

pnlRadioGroups is the panel that holds rgEvaluatedAt and rgViewDirection.

Implicit rgElevationCount: TRadioGroup;

rgElevationCount specifies how many elevation formulas will be used with each imported point object.

Implicit rgEvaluatedAt: TRadioGroup;

rgEvaluatedAt indicates whether the points are to be evaluated at nodes or elements.

Implicit rgViewDirection: TRadioGroup;

rgViewDirection indicates the direction from which the data will be viewed.

Implicit tabControls: TTabSheet;

tabControls holds the controls used to specify properties of the imported objects.

Implicit tabData: TTabSheet;

tabData holds dgData and pnlDataTabControls.

Implicit dgData: TRbwDataGrid4;
Implicit cbImportAsSingleObject: TCheckBox;
Implicit cbVisible: TCheckBox;
Implicit seRows: TJvSpinEdit;
Implicit pnlData: TPanel;
Implicit jvclbDataSets: TJvxCheckListBox;
Implicit pnlLabelDataSets: TPanel;
Implicit lblBoundaryChoice: TLabel;
Implicit comboBoundaryChoice: TComboBox;
Implicit lblParameter: TLabel;
Implicit comboParameter: TComboBox;
Implicit cbLayer: TCheckBox;
Private XCol: integer;

XCol is the column that specifies the X coordinate.

Private YCol: integer;

YCol is the column that specifies the Y coordinate.

Private ZCol: integer;

ZCol is the column that specifies the Z coordinate.

Private X1Col: integer;

X1Col is the column that specifies the first X formula.

Private Y1Col: integer;

Y1Col is the column that specifies the first Y formula.

Private Z1Col: integer;

Z1Col is the column that specifies the first Z formula.

Private X2Col: integer;

X2Col is the column that specifies the second X formula.

Private Y2Col: integer;

Y2Col is the column that specifies the second Y formula.

Private Z2Col: integer;

Z2Col is the column that specifies the second Z formula.

Private FImportFileName: string;
Private StartTime: TDateTime;
Private FRequiredCols: Integer;
Private FMultiValueList: TList;
Private FObsCount: Integer;
Private FObsRoot: string;


Implicit procedure cbIntersectedCellsClick(Sender: TObject);

cbIntersectedCellsClick makes sure that at least one of the following checkboxes is checked: cbIntersectedCells, and cbInterpolation. If not, their fonts are changed to emphasize them and btnOK is disabled.

Implicit procedure jvclbDataSetsClickCheck(Sender: TObject);

jvclbDataSetsClickCheck updates the columns in dgData

Implicit procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); override;

FormCreate initializes the TfrmImportPoints.

Implicit procedure FormKeyUp(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState);

FormKeyUp spreads the data in the keyboard into the cells of dgData. KeyPreview has to be True for this to work.

Implicit procedure rgEvaluatedAtClick(Sender: TObject);

rgEvaluatedAtClick calls UpdateDataSets;

Implicit procedure rgViewDirectionClick(Sender: TObject);

rgViewDirectionClick calls UpdateDataSets;

Implicit procedure dgDataColMoving(Sender: TObject; const Origin, Destination: Integer; var CanMove: Boolean);

dgDataColMoving is used to prevent the columns specifying coordinates from being moved.

Implicit procedure rgElevationCountClick(Sender: TObject);

rgElevationCountClick calls UpdateDimensionColumns and UpdateDataSets.

Implicit procedure btnOKClick(Sender: TObject);

btnOKClick calls SetData.

Implicit procedure btnOpenFileClick(Sender: TObject);

btnOpenFileClick reads data from a file into dgData.

Implicit procedure seRowsChange(Sender: TObject);
Implicit procedure dgDataDistributeTextProgress(Sender: TObject; Position, Max: Integer);
Implicit procedure dgDataEndUpdate(Sender: TObject);
Implicit procedure comboBoundaryChoiceChange(Sender: TObject);
Implicit procedure cbLayerClick(Sender: TObject);
Implicit procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject);
Private procedure UpdateDataSets;

UpdateDataSets updates the contents of jvclbDataSets.

Private procedure UpdateDimensionColumns;

UpdateDimensionColumns updates the column captions for the columns that specify dimensions in dgData.

Private procedure SetData;

SetData imports the data into GoPhast.

Private procedure SetCheckBoxCaptions;

Set the captions of cbIntersectedCells and cbInterpolation based on rgEvaluatedAt.ItemIndex.

Private procedure EnableOkButton;
Private procedure UpdateChdColumns;
Private procedure UpdateDrnColumns;
Private procedure UpdateGhbColumns;
Private procedure UpdateRivColumns;
Private procedure UpdateWelColumns;
Private procedure UpdateHobColumns;
Private procedure SetBoundaryColumnFormats;
Private procedure ImportDataArrayValues(var InvalidRow: Boolean; RowIndex: Integer; PointCount: Integer; var AScreenObject: TScreenObject);
Private procedure ImportModflowBoundary(var InvalidRow: Boolean; AScreenObject: TScreenObject; RowIndex: Integer);

Generated by PasDoc 0.12.1 on 2013-05-13 15:41:37