Class TfrmGoTo




type TfrmGoTo = class(TfrmCustomGoPhast)


TfrmGoTo is used to move the viewpoint to a selected position, cell, or TScreenObject.




Implicit btnCancel: TBitBtn;
Implicit btnHelp: TBitBtn;
Implicit btnOK: TBitBtn;
Implicit cbFront: TCheckBox;
Implicit cbSelectObject: TCheckBox;
Implicit cbSide: TCheckBox;
Implicit cbTop: TCheckBox;
Implicit lblCol: TLabel;
Implicit lblLay: TLabel;
Implicit lblRow: TLabel;
Implicit lblX: TLabel;
Implicit lblXPrime: TLabel;
Implicit lblY: TLabel;
Implicit lblYPrime: TLabel;
Implicit lblZ: TLabel;
Implicit lvScreenObjects: TListView;
Implicit pcMain: TPageControl;
Implicit pnlBottom: TPanel;
Implicit pnlObject: TPanel;
Implicit rdeX: TRbwDataEntry;
Implicit rdeXPrime: TRbwDataEntry;
Implicit rdeY: TRbwDataEntry;
Implicit rdeYPrime: TRbwDataEntry;
Implicit rdeZ: TRbwDataEntry;
Implicit tabCell: TTabSheet;
Implicit tabObject: TTabSheet;
Implicit tabPosition: TTabSheet;
Implicit seCol: TJvSpinEdit;
Implicit seRow: TJvSpinEdit;
Implicit seLayer: TJvSpinEdit;
Implicit tabImage: TTabSheet;
Implicit lvImages: TListView;
Implicit lblModel: TLabel;
Implicit comboModel: TComboBox;
Implicit tabMesh: TTabSheet;
Implicit rgNodeElement: TRadioGroup;
Implicit lblNumber: TLabel;
Implicit seNumber: TJvSpinEdit;


Implicit procedure btnOKClick(Sender: TObject);
Implicit procedure cbClick(Sender: TObject);
Implicit procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); override;
Implicit procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject);
Implicit procedure pcMainChange(Sender: TObject);
Implicit procedure comboModelChange(Sender: TObject);
Implicit procedure rgNodeElementClick(Sender: TObject);
Private procedure GetData;
Private procedure SetData;
Private procedure SetGridSpinEditMax(Grid: TCustomModelGrid);
Private procedure GetMeshItemClosestToCenter;



Implicit btnCancel: TBitBtn;

btnCancel: TBitBtn; Clicking btnCancel closes TfrmGoTo without changing anything.

Implicit btnHelp: TBitBtn;

btnHelp: TBitBtn; Clicking btnHelp displays help on TfrmGoTo.

Implicit btnOK: TBitBtn;

btnOK: TBitBtn; See btnOKClick.

Implicit cbFront: TCheckBox;

cbFront: TCheckBox; cbFront indicates that the position on the front view of the model will be changed. See cbClick.

Implicit cbSelectObject: TCheckBox;

cbSelectObject: TCheckBox; cbSelectObject indicates that the object being moved to will also be selected.

Implicit cbSide: TCheckBox;

cbSide: TCheckBox; cbSide indicates that the position on the side view of the model will be changed. See cbClick.

Implicit cbTop: TCheckBox;

cbTop: TCheckBox; cbTop indicates that the position on the top view of the model will be changed. See cbClick.

Implicit lblCol: TLabel;

lblCol: TLabel; lblCol displays "Column".

Implicit lblLay: TLabel;

lblLay: TLabel; lblLay displays "Layer".

Implicit lblRow: TLabel;

lblRow: TLabel; lblRow displays "Row".

Implicit lblX: TLabel;

lblX: TLabel; lblX displays "X".

Implicit lblXPrime: TLabel;

lblXPrime: TLabel; lblXPrime displays "X'".

Implicit lblY: TLabel;

lblY: TLabel; lblY displays "Y".

Implicit lblYPrime: TLabel;

lblYPrime: TLabel; lblYPrime displays "Y'".

Implicit lblZ: TLabel;

lblZ: TLabel; lblZ displays "Z".

Implicit lvScreenObjects: TListView;

lvScreenObjects: TListView; lvScreenObjects displays a list of TScreenObjects.

Implicit pcMain: TPageControl;

pcMain: TPageControl; pcMain show the options for moving to a new location.

Implicit pnlBottom: TPanel;

pnlBottom: TPanel; pnlBottom holds the buttons at the bottom of the disk.

Implicit pnlObject: TPanel;

pnlObject: TPanel; pnlObject holds cbSelectObject.

Implicit rdeX: TRbwDataEntry;

rdeX: TRbwDataEntry; rdeX specifies the X-coordinate to move to.

Implicit rdeXPrime: TRbwDataEntry;

rdeXPrime: TRbwDataEntry; rdeXPrime specifies the X'-coordinate to move to.

Implicit rdeY: TRbwDataEntry;

rdeY: TRbwDataEntry; rdeY specifies the Y-coordinate to move to.

Implicit rdeYPrime: TRbwDataEntry;

rdeYPrime: TRbwDataEntry; rdeYPrime specifies the Y'-coordinate to move to.

Implicit rdeZ: TRbwDataEntry;

rdeZ: TRbwDataEntry; rdeZ specifies the Z-coordinate to move to.

Implicit tabCell: TTabSheet;

tabCell: TTabSheet; tabCell holds controls for moving to a particular cell.

Implicit tabObject: TTabSheet;

tabObject: TTabSheet; tabObject holds controls for moving to a particular TScreenObject.

Implicit tabPosition: TTabSheet;

tabPosition: TTabSheet; tabPosition holds controls for moving to a position.

Implicit seCol: TJvSpinEdit;
Implicit seRow: TJvSpinEdit;
Implicit seLayer: TJvSpinEdit;
Implicit tabImage: TTabSheet;
Implicit lvImages: TListView;
Implicit lblModel: TLabel;
Implicit comboModel: TComboBox;
Implicit tabMesh: TTabSheet;
Implicit rgNodeElement: TRadioGroup;
Implicit lblNumber: TLabel;
Implicit seNumber: TJvSpinEdit;


Implicit procedure btnOKClick(Sender: TObject);

btnOKClick calls SetData.

Implicit procedure cbClick(Sender: TObject);

cbClick enables and disables controls depending on which of cbFront, cbSide, and cbTop are checked.

Implicit procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); override;

FormCreate initializes TfrmGoTo and calls GetData.

Implicit procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject);

FormShow enables moving to a particular cell if a grid has been defined.

Implicit procedure pcMainChange(Sender: TObject);
Implicit procedure comboModelChange(Sender: TObject);
Implicit procedure rgNodeElementClick(Sender: TObject);
Private procedure GetData;

GetData stores information about the current position.

Private procedure SetData;

SetData moves the selected view or views to the selected cell, object, or position.

Private procedure SetGridSpinEditMax(Grid: TCustomModelGrid);
Private procedure GetMeshItemClosestToCenter;

Generated by PasDoc 0.12.1 on 2013-05-13 15:41:37