Class TfrmCustomImportSimpleFile




type TfrmCustomImportSimpleFile = class(TfrmCustomGoPhast)


TfrmCustomImportSimpleFile is a base class used to import DXF and Surfer grid files into ModelMuse.

See miImportDXFFileClick.




Implicit btnCancel: TBitBtn;
Implicit btnHelp: TBitBtn;
Implicit btnOK: TBitBtn;
Implicit cbEnclosedCells: TCheckBox;
Implicit cbInterpolation: TCheckBox;
Implicit cbIntersectedCells: TCheckBox;
Implicit comboDataSets: TComboBox;
Implicit comboInterpolators: TComboBox;
Implicit lblDataSet: TLabel;
Implicit lblInterpolator: TLabel;
Implicit OpenDialogFile: TOpenDialog;
Implicit rgEvaluatedAt: TRadioGroup;
Protected Values: array of array of double;
Protected Counts: array of array of integer;
Protected CenterPoints: array of array of TPoint2D;
Protected Distances: array of array of double;
Protected MinX: Real;
Protected MaxX: Real;
Protected MinY: Real;
Protected MaxY: Real;
Protected LocalModel: TCustomModel;


Implicit procedure cbEnclosedCellsClick(Sender: TObject);
Implicit procedure comboDataSetsChange(Sender: TObject);
Implicit procedure comboInterpolatorsChange(Sender: TObject);
Implicit procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); override;
Implicit procedure rgEvaluatedAtClick(Sender: TObject);
Implicit procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); override;
Protected procedure GetDiscretizationMinMax;
Protected procedure HandleAPoint(APoint3D: TPoint3D; ImportMethod: TImportMethod; EvalAt: TEvaluatedAt; Grid: TCustomModelGrid; Mesh: TSutraMesh3D);
Protected procedure UpdateEvalAt;
Protected procedure GetDataSets; virtual;
Protected procedure GetInterpolators;
Protected procedure MakeNewDataSet(NewDataSets: TList; Suffix, Classification: string; NewDataSetNeeded: Boolean; FileName: string = '');
Protected procedure SetCheckBoxCaptions; virtual;
Protected procedure InitializeArrays(ImportMethod: TImportMethod);
Protected procedure AssignPointsAndValues(Grid: TCustomModelGrid; AScreenObject: TScreenObject; Item: TValueArrayItem; ComparePoints: Boolean = False);
Protected procedure ComputeAverage(ImportMethod: TImportMethod; ImportProgress: TImportProgress = nil);



Implicit btnCancel: TBitBtn;

Clicking btnCancel closes TfrmCustomImportSimpleFile without doing anything.

Implicit btnHelp: TBitBtn;

Clicking btnHelp displays help about TfrmCustomImportSimpleFile.

Implicit btnOK: TBitBtn;
Implicit cbEnclosedCells: TCheckBox;

cbEnclosedCells indicates that the value of the imported TScreenObjects should set the value of enclosed cells or elements in the related TDataArray.

Implicit cbInterpolation: TCheckBox;

cbInterpolation indicates that the value of the imported TScreenObjects should set the value of cells or elements in the related TDataArray by interpolation.

Implicit cbIntersectedCells: TCheckBox;

cbIntersectedCells indicates that the value of the imported TScreenObjects should set the value of intersected cells or elements in the related TDataArray.

Implicit comboDataSets: TComboBox;

comboDataSets is used to select the name of the TDataArray to be affected by the imported TScreenObjects.

Implicit comboInterpolators: TComboBox;

comboInterpolators is the name of the TCustom2DInterpolater that will be used with a new TDataArray.

Implicit lblDataSet: TLabel;

lblDataSet displays "Data Set".

Implicit lblInterpolator: TLabel;

lblInterpolator displays "Interpolator".

Implicit OpenDialogFile: TOpenDialog;

OpenDialogFile is used to select the DXF file.

Implicit rgEvaluatedAt: TRadioGroup;

rgEvaluatedAt indicates whether a new data set will be evaluated at elements or cells.

Protected Values: array of array of double;

FQuadTree: TRbwQuadTree; FOutline: TSubPolygon;

Protected Counts: array of array of integer;
Protected CenterPoints: array of array of TPoint2D;
Protected Distances: array of array of double;
Protected MinX: Real;
Protected MaxX: Real;
Protected MinY: Real;
Protected MaxY: Real;
Protected LocalModel: TCustomModel;


Implicit procedure cbEnclosedCellsClick(Sender: TObject);

cbEnclosedCellsClick makes sure that at least one of the following checkboxes is checked: cbEnclosedCells, cbIntersectedCells, and cbInterpolation. If not, their fonts are changed to emphasize them and btnOK is disabled.

Implicit procedure comboDataSetsChange(Sender: TObject);

comboDataSetsChange enables or disables comboInterpolators depending on whether a new TDataArray is to be created. comboInterpolators will be enabled if a new TDataArray is to be created.

Implicit procedure comboInterpolatorsChange(Sender: TObject);

comboInterpolatorsChange enables cbInterpolation if an interpolator is specified.

Implicit procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); override;

FormCreate calls GetInterpolators.

Implicit procedure rgEvaluatedAtClick(Sender: TObject);

rgEvaluatedAtClick changes the captions of cbEnclosedCells, cbIntersectedCells, and cbInterpolation.

Implicit procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); override;
Protected procedure GetDiscretizationMinMax;
Protected procedure HandleAPoint(APoint3D: TPoint3D; ImportMethod: TImportMethod; EvalAt: TEvaluatedAt; Grid: TCustomModelGrid; Mesh: TSutraMesh3D);
Protected procedure UpdateEvalAt;

UpdateEvalAt updates the contents of rgEvaluatedAt to the appropriate values depending on what model (PHAST or MODFLOW) is selected.

Protected procedure GetDataSets; virtual;

GetDataSets fills comboDataSets with the names of TDataArrays that can be used by the imported TScreenObjects.

Protected procedure GetInterpolators;

GetInterpolators fills comboInterpolators with a list of TCustom2DInterpolaters.

Protected procedure MakeNewDataSet(NewDataSets: TList; Suffix, Classification: string; NewDataSetNeeded: Boolean; FileName: string = '');

If comboDataSets.ItemIndex = 0, MakeNewDataSet creates a new TDataArray with an Orientation of dsoTop and adds it to NewDataSets. Suffix is a string that will be added to the end of the file name when generating the data set name. Classification is the Classification of the TDataArray. If MakeNewDataSet does create a new TDataArray, comboDataSets.Text is set to the name of the TDataArray.

Protected procedure SetCheckBoxCaptions; virtual;

Set the captions of cbEnclosedCells, cbIntersectedCells, and cbInterpolation based on rgEvaluatedAt.ItemIndex depending on what model (PHAST or MODFLOW) is selected.

Protected procedure InitializeArrays(ImportMethod: TImportMethod);
Protected procedure AssignPointsAndValues(Grid: TCustomModelGrid; AScreenObject: TScreenObject; Item: TValueArrayItem; ComparePoints: Boolean = False);
Protected procedure ComputeAverage(ImportMethod: TImportMethod; ImportProgress: TImportProgress = nil);

Generated by PasDoc 0.12.1 on 2013-05-13 15:41:34