Class TframeScreenObjectParam




type TframeScreenObjectParam = class(TframeScreenObjectNoParam)


TframeScreenObjectParam is used to define time-varying MODFLOW boundary condition data associated with TScreenObjects when parameter instances can be defined.

Typically, the first two columns of dgModflowBoundary will have the start and ending times for the boundary condtion. Following that will be columns representing the values to be assigned the boundary. Then there will be columns representing the MODFLOW parameters associated with the boundary. The objects property of Row 0 will have the TModflowParameter in the column corresponding to the column for that TModflowParameter. clbParameters will indicate which TModflowParameters are in use.




Implicit splitHorizontal: TSplitter;
Implicit clbParameters: TJvxCheckListBox;
Private FUnselectableColumnsIfParametersUsed: TColumns;
Private FParameterColumnSuffix: TStrings;


Implicit procedure clbParametersStateChange(Sender: TObject; Index: Integer);
Implicit procedure dgModflowBoundarySelectCell(Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Integer; var CanSelect: Boolean);
Private procedure SetUnselectableColumnsIfParametersUsed(const Value: TColumns);
Private procedure SetParameterColumnSuffix(const Value: TStrings);
Public function ParamColumnCaption(NameIndex: integer): string; virtual;
Public procedure InitializeFrame(Boundary: TModflowBoundary);
Public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
Public destructor Destroy; override;


Public property UnselectableColumnsIfParametersUsed: TColumns read FUnselectableColumnsIfParametersUsed write SetUnselectableColumnsIfParametersUsed;
Public property ParameterColumnSuffix: TStrings read FParameterColumnSuffix write SetParameterColumnSuffix;



Implicit splitHorizontal: TSplitter;

splitHorizontal separates clbParameters from dgModflowBoundary.

Implicit clbParameters: TJvxCheckListBox;

clbParameters is used to indicate which parameters are being used.

Private FUnselectableColumnsIfParametersUsed: TColumns;

See UnselectableColumnsIfParametersUsed.

Private FParameterColumnSuffix: TStrings;

See ParameterColumnSuffix.


Implicit procedure clbParametersStateChange(Sender: TObject; Index: Integer);

clbParametersStateChange is the OnChange event for clbParameters. clbParametersStateChange inserts columns into dgModflowBoundary or deletes them. When inserting a column, it puts a TModflowParameter in dgModflowBoundaryObjects at Row = 0 and Col = the new column.

Implicit procedure dgModflowBoundarySelectCell(Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Integer; var CanSelect: Boolean);

dgModflowBoundarySelectCell prevents the user from selecting certain cells.

Private procedure SetUnselectableColumnsIfParametersUsed(const Value: TColumns);

See UnselectableColumnsIfParametersUsed.

Private procedure SetParameterColumnSuffix(const Value: TStrings);

See ParameterColumnSuffix.

Public function ParamColumnCaption(NameIndex: integer): string; virtual;

Private declarations

Public procedure InitializeFrame(Boundary: TModflowBoundary);
Public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
Public destructor Destroy; override;


Public property UnselectableColumnsIfParametersUsed: TColumns read FUnselectableColumnsIfParametersUsed write SetUnselectableColumnsIfParametersUsed;

If parameters related to this boundary condition are used anywhere in the model, the user shouldn't be able to select certain columns in dgModflowBoundary. UnselectableColumnsIfParametersUsed indicates which ones it shouldn't be possible to select.

Public property ParameterColumnSuffix: TStrings read FParameterColumnSuffix write SetParameterColumnSuffix;

ParameterColumnSuffix is a string appended to the end of a column name.

Generated by PasDoc 0.12.1 on 2013-05-13 15:41:33