Class TframeScreenObjectLAK




type TframeScreenObjectLAK = class(TframeScreenObjectNoParam)


no description available, TframeScreenObjectNoParam description follows

TframeScreenObjectNoParam is used to define time-varying MODFLOW boundary condition data associated with TScreenObjects when parameter instances can NOT be defined.

Typically, the first two columns of dgModflowBoundary will have the start and ending times for the boundary condtion. Following that will be columns representing the values to be assigned the boundary.




Implicit lblInitialStage: TLabel;
Implicit rdeInitialStage: TRbwDataEntry;
Implicit rdeCenterLake: TRbwDataEntry;
Implicit lblCenterLake: TLabel;
Implicit rdeSill: TRbwDataEntry;
Implicit lblSill: TLabel;
Implicit rdeLakeID: TRbwDataEntry;
Implicit lblLakeID: TLabel;
Implicit gbGage: TGroupBox;
Implicit cbGagStandard: TCheckBox;
Implicit cbGagFluxAndCond: TCheckBox;
Implicit cbGagDelta: TCheckBox;
Implicit cbGage4: TCheckBox;
Implicit pcLake: TPageControl;
Implicit tabLakeProperties: TTabSheet;
Implicit tabBathymetry: TTabSheet;
Implicit rdgLakeTable: TRbwDataGrid4;
Implicit pnlBathChoice: TPanel;
Implicit rgBathChoice: TRadioGroup;
Implicit feLakeBathymetry: TJvFilenameEdit;


Implicit procedure rdeCenterLakeChange(Sender: TObject);
Implicit procedure cbGagStandardClick(Sender: TObject);
Implicit procedure cbGagFluxAndCondClick(Sender: TObject);
Implicit procedure cbGagDeltaClick(Sender: TObject);
Implicit procedure cbGage4Click(Sender: TObject);
Implicit procedure rgBathChoiceClick(Sender: TObject);
Protected procedure Loaded; override;



Implicit lblInitialStage: TLabel;
Implicit rdeInitialStage: TRbwDataEntry;
Implicit rdeCenterLake: TRbwDataEntry;
Implicit lblCenterLake: TLabel;
Implicit rdeSill: TRbwDataEntry;
Implicit lblSill: TLabel;
Implicit rdeLakeID: TRbwDataEntry;
Implicit lblLakeID: TLabel;
Implicit gbGage: TGroupBox;
Implicit cbGagStandard: TCheckBox;
Implicit cbGagFluxAndCond: TCheckBox;
Implicit cbGagDelta: TCheckBox;
Implicit cbGage4: TCheckBox;
Implicit pcLake: TPageControl;
Implicit tabLakeProperties: TTabSheet;
Implicit tabBathymetry: TTabSheet;
Implicit rdgLakeTable: TRbwDataGrid4;
Implicit pnlBathChoice: TPanel;
Implicit rgBathChoice: TRadioGroup;
Implicit feLakeBathymetry: TJvFilenameEdit;


Implicit procedure rdeCenterLakeChange(Sender: TObject);
Implicit procedure cbGagStandardClick(Sender: TObject);
Implicit procedure cbGagFluxAndCondClick(Sender: TObject);
Implicit procedure cbGagDeltaClick(Sender: TObject);
Implicit procedure cbGage4Click(Sender: TObject);
Implicit procedure rgBathChoiceClick(Sender: TObject);
Protected procedure Loaded; override;

Generated by PasDoc 0.12.1 on 2013-05-13 15:41:33