Class TframeArrayParameterDefinition




type TframeArrayParameterDefinition = class(TframeListParameterDefinition)


TframeArrayParameterDefinition is used to provide a way to specify parameters where the user must specify whether or not to use Multiplier arrays and Zone arrays. TframeArrayParameterDefinition is used in TfrmModflowPackages for the LPF package.




Implicit pnlTop: TPanel;
Implicit lblParamValue: TLabel;
Implicit rdeParamValue: TRbwDataEntry;
Implicit cbUseZone: TCheckBox;
Implicit cbUseMultiplier: TCheckBox;


Implicit procedure rdeParamValueChange(Sender: TObject);
Implicit procedure cbUseZoneClick(Sender: TObject);
Implicit procedure cbUseMultiplierClick(Sender: TObject);
Implicit procedure dgParametersColSize(Sender: TObject; ACol, PriorWidth: Integer);
Implicit procedure dgParametersHorizontalScroll(Sender: TObject);
Implicit procedure dgParametersMouseUp(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
Private procedure ArrangeMultiEditControls;
Protected procedure SetEnabled(Value: boolean); override;
Public procedure Loaded; override;



Implicit pnlTop: TPanel;

pnlTop is a panel at the top of the frame that holds other controls.

Implicit lblParamValue: TLabel;

lblParamValue is a label for rdeParamValue.

Implicit rdeParamValue: TRbwDataEntry;

is used for editing the values of multiple parameters at one time.

Implicit cbUseZone: TCheckBox;

cbUseZone is used to edit the choice to use zone arrays in multiple parameters at one time.

Implicit cbUseMultiplier: TCheckBox;

cbUseMultiplier is used to edit the choice to use multiplier arrays in multiple parameters at one time.


Implicit procedure rdeParamValueChange(Sender: TObject);

rdeParamValueChange changes the values of multiple parameters at one time.

Implicit procedure cbUseZoneClick(Sender: TObject);

cbUseZoneClick changes the choice to use zone arrays in multiple parameters at one time.

Implicit procedure cbUseMultiplierClick(Sender: TObject);

cbUseMultiplierClick changes the choice to use multiplier arrays in multiple parameters at one time.

Implicit procedure dgParametersColSize(Sender: TObject; ACol, PriorWidth: Integer);

dgParametersColSize calls ArrangeMultiEditControls.

Implicit procedure dgParametersHorizontalScroll(Sender: TObject);

dgParametersHorizontalScroll calls ArrangeMultiEditControls.

Implicit procedure dgParametersMouseUp(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);

dgParametersMouseUp is used to enable or disable the control that are used to edit properties of multiple parameters at one time.

Private procedure ArrangeMultiEditControls;

ArrangeMultiEditControls places the controls used to edit multiple parameters at once at the correct locations.

Protected procedure SetEnabled(Value: boolean); override;

SetEnabled disables the controls used to edit more than a single parameter at once if Value is False.

Public procedure Loaded; override;

Private declarations

Generated by PasDoc 0.12.1 on 2013-05-13 15:41:31