Unit WebUtils

DescriptionUsesClasses, Interfaces, Objects and RecordsFunctions and ProceduresTypesConstantsVariables





Functions and Procedures

function LaunchURL(var BrowserPath: string; const URL: string; Maximize: boolean = True) : boolean;
function DefaultBrowserPath: string;
procedure CloseBrowser(BrowserName:string);
function FindFiles(const Path, Mask: string; IncludeSubDir: boolean; const Files: TStringList): integer;
function FileToURL(const FileName: string): string;


Functions and Procedures

function LaunchURL(var BrowserPath: string; const URL: string; Maximize: boolean = True) : boolean;

BrowserPath should either be the full path of the web browser or it should be '' to use the default web browser.

function DefaultBrowserPath: string;
procedure CloseBrowser(BrowserName:string);

The call to the method must be accomplished with 'IExplore’ for the Internet Explorer, 'Netscape’ for the Netscape Communicator and 'Opera’ for the Opera.

function FindFiles(const Path, Mask: string; IncludeSubDir: boolean; const Files: TStringList): integer;
function FileToURL(const FileName: string): string;

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