Class TSolid




type TSolid = class(TObject)





Implicit Verticies: TList;
Implicit Faces: TList;


Implicit Constructor Create(Xs, Ys, Zs: TRealList; FaceLists: TIntListList); overload;
Implicit Constructor Create(VertexStrings, FaceStrings: TStrings); overload;
Implicit Destructor Destroy; override;
Implicit Procedure GetProps(Var Vol, Area: extended);



Implicit Verticies: TList;
Implicit Faces: TList;


Implicit Constructor Create(Xs, Ys, Zs: TRealList; FaceLists: TIntListList); overload;
Implicit Constructor Create(VertexStrings, FaceStrings: TStrings); overload;

VertexStrings is a series of strings each of which represents one vertex. The X, Y, and Z coordinates of the vertex are in the string in that order and separated by tab characters. FaceStrings is a series of strings each of which represents one facelist. The first integer in the string is the face number. Faces must be consecutively ordered beginning at 0. The numbers in the string are separated by tabs. Each successive number is the number of a vertex in the face. The vertices are numbered beginning with 0. Vertices are A single face may have one or more facelists. If a face has a hole in it, a second facelist will be required to describe the face.

Implicit Destructor Destroy; override;

C FACE 3440 C A FACE IS REPRESENTED BY THE SET OF VERTEX POINTS OF THE 3450 C POLYGONAL SURFACE PATCH, ORDERED BY STARTING WITH AN 3460 C ARBITRARY VERTEX, AND PROCEEDING POINT BY POINT AROUND 3470 C THE BOUNDARY UNTIL THE FIRST POINT IS REACHED. 3480 C 3490 C FACE LIST 3500 C THE LIST OF THE SET OF VERTEX NUMBERS, ORDERED AS ABOVE 3510 C FOR A FACE, IS CALLED A FACE LIST, WHICH IS THE DATA 3520 C REPRESENTATION OF A FACE. A FACE LIST HAS THE FORM 3530 C NSF,NA,NB,NC,...,NI,...,NA 3540 C WHERE NSF IS THE SURFACE NUMBER AND NA,NB,NC,NI ARE 3550 C VERTEX NUMBERS. NOTE THAT THE FACE LIST IS A CLOSED 3560 C LIST, STARTING AND ENDING WITH THE FIRST POINT SELECTED. 3570 C FOR ANY SURFACE WITH ONE OR MORE HOLES IN 3580 C IT, ANY INTERIOR BOUNDARY (HOLE) IS REPRESENTED BY A 3590 C FACE LIST WITH VERTICES ENUMERATED IN A SEQUENCE 3600 C OPPOSITE TO THAT GIVEN FOR AN EXTERIOR BOUNDARY. 3610 C " If one were to stand on the face with the left foot on the edge of the face and the right foot on the interior of the face and then traverse forward around the perimeter, vertices would be encountered in the required order." The vertices on any face are assumed to be coplanar. The faces are assumed to completely separate the interior from the exterior. No check is performed on either of these assumptions.

Implicit Procedure GetProps(Var Vol, Area: extended);

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