Class TXYZPlane




type TXYZPlane = class(TObject)





Private FCount: Integer;
Private FOutline: array of TXYZLocation;
Private FElevations: TElevationsLocations;
Public bmin: TPointd;
Public bmax: TPointd;


Private procedure SetCount(const ACount: Integer);
Private function GetOutlineLocation(Index: Integer): TXYZLocation;
Private procedure SetOutlineLocation(Index: Integer; ALocation: TXYZLocation);
Private function IsInside(ALocation: TXYZLocation): TIsInsideResult;
Private procedure GetCoefficients(var A, B, C, D: extended);
Private procedure Normalize(var vector: TXYZLocation);
Private Procedure SetElevations(Locations: TElevationsLocations);
Private procedure GetCoefficientsFromElevations(var A, B, C, D: extended);
Private function GetInterceptPoints(IntersectionSegment: TXYZSegment; PointList: TList): boolean;
Public function Intersection(ASegment: TXYZSegment; var IntersectionPoint: TXYZLocation): TPlaneLineIntersection; overload;
Public function PlaneIntersection(APlane: TXYZPlane; SegmentList: TList) : TPlaneIntersection; overload;
Public Constructor Create(Const ACount: Integer);
Public function Area: extended;
Public procedure SetBox;


Public property Count: Integer read FCount write SetCount;
Public property Outline[Index:Integer]: TXYZLocation read GetOutlineLocation write SetOutlineLocation;
Public property Elevations: TElevationsLocations read FElevations write SetElevations;



Private FCount: Integer;
Private FOutline: array of TXYZLocation;

FOutline does not include a repetition of the first location.

Private FElevations: TElevationsLocations;
Public bmin: TPointd;
Public bmax: TPointd;


Private procedure SetCount(const ACount: Integer);
Private function GetOutlineLocation(Index: Integer): TXYZLocation;
Private procedure SetOutlineLocation(Index: Integer; ALocation: TXYZLocation);
Private function IsInside(ALocation: TXYZLocation): TIsInsideResult;
Private procedure GetCoefficients(var A, B, C, D: extended);
Private procedure Normalize(var vector: TXYZLocation);
Private Procedure SetElevations(Locations: TElevationsLocations);
Private procedure GetCoefficientsFromElevations(var A, B, C, D: extended);
Private function GetInterceptPoints(IntersectionSegment: TXYZSegment; PointList: TList): boolean;
Public function Intersection(ASegment: TXYZSegment; var IntersectionPoint: TXYZLocation): TPlaneLineIntersection; overload;
Public function PlaneIntersection(APlane: TXYZPlane; SegmentList: TList) : TPlaneIntersection; overload;
Public Constructor Create(Const ACount: Integer);
Public function Area: extended;
Public procedure SetBox;


Public property Count: Integer read FCount write SetCount;
Public property Outline[Index:Integer]: TXYZLocation read GetOutlineLocation write SetOutlineLocation;
Public property Elevations: TElevationsLocations read FElevations write SetElevations;

Generated by PasDoc 0.12.1 on 2013-05-13 15:42:03