packed record TShapefileHeader




type TShapefileHeader = packed record


TShapefileHeader appears at the beginning of a Shapefile

  TShapefileHeader = packed record
    FileCode: longint;
    Unused1: longint;
    Unused2: longint;
    Unused3: longint;
    Unused4: longint;
    Unused5: longint;
    FileLength: longint;
    Version: longint;
    ShapeType: longint;
    BoundingBoxXMin: double;
    BoundingBoxYMin: double;
    BoundingBoxXMax: double;
    BoundingBoxYMax: double;
    BoundingBoxZMin: double;
    BoundingBoxZMax: double;
    BoundingBoxMMin: double;
    BoundingBoxMMax: double;



FileCode: longint;
Unused1: longint;
Unused2: longint;
Unused3: longint;
Unused4: longint;
Unused5: longint;
FileLength: longint;
Version: longint;
ShapeType: longint;
BoundingBoxXMin: double;
BoundingBoxYMin: double;
BoundingBoxXMax: double;
BoundingBoxYMax: double;
BoundingBoxZMin: double;
BoundingBoxZMax: double;
BoundingBoxMMin: double;
BoundingBoxMMax: double;



FileCode: longint;

FileCode is a BigEndian value. It should be 9994.

Unused1: longint;

Unused1 is an unused value in BigEndian format.

Unused2: longint;

Unused2 is an unused value in BigEndian format.

Unused3: longint;

Unused3 is an unused value in BigEndian format.

Unused4: longint;

Unused4 is an unused value in BigEndian format.

Unused5: longint;

Unused5 is an unused value in BigEndian format.

FileLength: longint;

FileLength is the file length measured in 16 bit words FileLength is in BigEndian format.

Version: longint;

Version is the Shapefile version number. It should be 1000.

ShapeType: longint;

ShapeType indicates the type of shape stored in the Shapefile. It can be any of the following stNull = 0; stPoint = 1; stPolyLine = 3; stPolygon = 5; stMultiPoint = 8; stPointZ = 11; stPolyLineZ = 13; stPolygonZ = 15; stMultiPointZ = 18; stPointM = 21; stPolyLineM = 23; stPolygonM = 25; stMultipointM = 28; stMultiPatch = 31;

BoundingBoxXMin: double;

BoundingBoxXMin is the minimum X value for the bounding box.

BoundingBoxYMin: double;

BoundingBoxYMin is the minimum Y value for the bounding box.

BoundingBoxXMax: double;

BoundingBoxXMax is the maximum X value for the bounding box.

BoundingBoxYMax: double;

BoundingBoxYMax is the maximum Y value for the bounding box.

BoundingBoxZMin: double;

BoundingBoxZMin is the minimum Z value for the bounding box. BoundingBoxZMin is unused, with value 0.0, if the shape is not Measured or Z type

BoundingBoxZMax: double;

BoundingBoxZMax is the maximum Z value for the bounding box. BoundingBoxZMax is unused, with value 0.0, if the shape is not Measured or Z type

BoundingBoxMMin: double;

BoundingBoxMMin is the minimum M value. BoundingBoxMMin is unused, with value 0.0, if the shape is not Measured or Z type

BoundingBoxMMax: double;

BoundingBoxMMax is the maximum M value. BoundingBoxMMax is unused, with value 0.0, if the shape is not Measured or Z type

Generated by PasDoc 0.12.1 on 2013-05-13 15:42:03