Unit ReadModflowArrayUnit

DescriptionUsesClasses, Interfaces, Objects and RecordsFunctions and ProceduresTypesConstantsVariables


This file is part of the source code of ModelMuse by .



Classes, Interfaces, Objects and Records

Name Description
Class EPrecisionReadError  
Class TFileVariable  
Class THydModData  

Functions and Procedures

procedure ReadSinglePrecisionMt3dmsBinaryRealArray(AFile: TFileStream; var NTRANS, KSTP, KPER: Integer; var TOTIM: TModflowDouble; var DESC: TModflowDesc; var NCOL, NROW, ILAY: Integer; var AnArray: TModflowDoubleArray; ReadArray: Boolean = True);
procedure ReadSinglePrecisionModflowBinaryRealArray(AFile: TFileStream; var KSTP, KPER: Integer; var PERTIM, TOTIM: TModflowDouble; var DESC: TModflowDesc; var NCOL, NROW, ILAY: Integer; var AnArray: TModflowDoubleArray; ReadArray: Boolean = True);
procedure ReadDoublePrecisionMt3dmsBinaryRealArray(AFile: TFileStream; var NTRANS, KSTP, KPER: Integer; var TOTIM: TModflowDouble; var DESC: TModflowDesc; var NCOL, NROW, ILAY: Integer; var AnArray: TModflowDoubleArray; ReadArray: Boolean = True);
procedure ReadDoublePrecisionModflowBinaryRealArray(AFile: TFileStream; var KSTP, KPER: Integer; var PERTIM, TOTIM: TModflowDouble; var DESC: TModflowDesc; var NCOL, NROW, ILAY: Integer; var AnArray: TModflowDoubleArray; ReadArray: Boolean = True);
procedure ReadModflowAsciiRealArray(F: TFileVariable; var KSTP, KPER: Integer; var PERTIM, TOTIM: TModflowDouble; var DESC: TModflowDesc2; var NCOL, NROW, ILAY: Integer; var AnArray: TModflowDoubleArray; ReadArray: boolean = True);
procedure ReadModflowSinglePrecFluxArray(AFile: TFileStream; var KSTP, KPER: Integer; var PERTIM, TOTIM: TModflowDouble; var DESC: TModflowDesc; var NCOL, NROW, NLAY: Integer; var AnArray: T3DTModflowArray; HufFormat: boolean; ReadArray: Boolean = True );
procedure ReadModflowDoublePrecFluxArray(AFile: TFileStream; var KSTP, KPER: Integer; var PERTIM, TOTIM: TModflowDouble; var DESC: TModflowDesc; var NCOL, NROW, NLAY: Integer; var AnArray: T3DTModflowArray; HufFormat: boolean; ReadArray: Boolean = True );
function CheckMt3dmsArrayPrecision(AFile: TFileStream): TModflowPrecision;
function CheckArrayPrecision(AFile: TFileStream): TModflowPrecision;
function CheckBudgetPrecision(AFile: TFileStream; out HufFormat: boolean): TModflowPrecision;


TModflowFloat = single;
TModflowDouble = double;
TModflowDesc = Array[0..15] of AnsiChar;
TModflowDesc2 = Array[0..17] of AnsiChar;
TModflowSingleArray = array of array of TModflowFloat;
TModflowDoubleArray = array of array of TModflowDouble;
T3DTModflowArray = array of TModflowDoubleArray;
TModflowPrecision = (...);


Functions and Procedures

procedure ReadSinglePrecisionMt3dmsBinaryRealArray(AFile: TFileStream; var NTRANS, KSTP, KPER: Integer; var TOTIM: TModflowDouble; var DESC: TModflowDesc; var NCOL, NROW, ILAY: Integer; var AnArray: TModflowDoubleArray; ReadArray: Boolean = True);
procedure ReadSinglePrecisionModflowBinaryRealArray(AFile: TFileStream; var KSTP, KPER: Integer; var PERTIM, TOTIM: TModflowDouble; var DESC: TModflowDesc; var NCOL, NROW, ILAY: Integer; var AnArray: TModflowDoubleArray; ReadArray: Boolean = True);

AFile needs to be open before being passed to this procedure. The other variables will be returned from the procedure. Use CheckArrayPrecision to determine the precision before calling this procedure.

procedure ReadDoublePrecisionMt3dmsBinaryRealArray(AFile: TFileStream; var NTRANS, KSTP, KPER: Integer; var TOTIM: TModflowDouble; var DESC: TModflowDesc; var NCOL, NROW, ILAY: Integer; var AnArray: TModflowDoubleArray; ReadArray: Boolean = True);
procedure ReadDoublePrecisionModflowBinaryRealArray(AFile: TFileStream; var KSTP, KPER: Integer; var PERTIM, TOTIM: TModflowDouble; var DESC: TModflowDesc; var NCOL, NROW, ILAY: Integer; var AnArray: TModflowDoubleArray; ReadArray: Boolean = True);

AFile needs to be open before being passed to this procedure. The other variables will be returned from the procedure. Use CheckArrayPrecision to determine the precision before calling this procedure.

procedure ReadModflowAsciiRealArray(F: TFileVariable; var KSTP, KPER: Integer; var PERTIM, TOTIM: TModflowDouble; var DESC: TModflowDesc2; var NCOL, NROW, ILAY: Integer; var AnArray: TModflowDoubleArray; ReadArray: boolean = True);

F.AFile needs to be open before being passed to this procedure. The other variables will be returned from the procedure.

procedure ReadModflowSinglePrecFluxArray(AFile: TFileStream; var KSTP, KPER: Integer; var PERTIM, TOTIM: TModflowDouble; var DESC: TModflowDesc; var NCOL, NROW, NLAY: Integer; var AnArray: T3DTModflowArray; HufFormat: boolean; ReadArray: Boolean = True );

AFile needs to be open before being passed to this procedure. The other variables will be returned from the procedure. Use CheckBudgetPrecision to determine the precision before calling this procedure.

procedure ReadModflowDoublePrecFluxArray(AFile: TFileStream; var KSTP, KPER: Integer; var PERTIM, TOTIM: TModflowDouble; var DESC: TModflowDesc; var NCOL, NROW, NLAY: Integer; var AnArray: T3DTModflowArray; HufFormat: boolean; ReadArray: Boolean = True );

AFile needs to be open before being passed to this procedure. The other variables will be returned from the procedure. Use CheckBudgetPrecision to determine the precision before calling this procedure.

function CheckMt3dmsArrayPrecision(AFile: TFileStream): TModflowPrecision;
function CheckArrayPrecision(AFile: TFileStream): TModflowPrecision;

Use this function to check the precision of a binary head or drawdown file or other similar files. AFile should be at the beginning of the file when this function is called. It will still be at the beginning when the function returns.

function CheckBudgetPrecision(AFile: TFileStream; out HufFormat: boolean): TModflowPrecision;

Use this function to check the precision of a cell by cell flow file. AFile should be at the beginning of the file when this function is called. It will still be at the beginning when the function returns.


TModflowFloat = single;
TModflowDouble = double;
TModflowDesc = Array[0..15] of AnsiChar;
TModflowDesc2 = Array[0..17] of AnsiChar;
TModflowSingleArray = array of array of TModflowFloat;
TModflowDoubleArray = array of array of TModflowDouble;
T3DTModflowArray = array of TModflowDoubleArray;
TModflowPrecision = (...);
  • mpSingle:  
  • mpDouble:  


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