Unit RbwHelpViewer

DescriptionUsesClasses, Interfaces, Objects and RecordsFunctions and ProceduresTypesConstantsVariables


RbwHelpViewer defines a cross-platform method of viewing context-sensitive help in html files. The help is accessed by Keyword.

To use this help viewer, include it in the uses clause of the application. In the initialization section, the help viewer will look for a subdirectory named help in the directory that has the application. It will search that directory for any files with the extensions .htm or .html. The names of the web pages (without the extensions) are the keywords recognized by the help viewer. When help is requested, it will launch the default web browser with the URL of the web page whose name matches the keyword. The match of keyword to file name is not case-sensitive even on file systems where file names are case sensitive.

If all the web pages aren't present when the application starts, UpdateHelpFiles can be used to update the list of files recognized by the help system.

It is possible to have the help viewer go to a specific target within a web page by adding "#" and the name of an anchor to the help keyword. For example to go to AWebPage.html#ThisSpot, the keyword should be "AWebPage#ThisSpot".

Nearly everything in RbwHelpViewer is in the implementation section.


Functions and Procedures

procedure UpdateHelpFiles;


Functions and Procedures

procedure UpdateHelpFiles;

UpdateHelpFiles is used to update the list of files that the help viewer uses for showing help. UpdateHelpFiles should be called if a new file has been created dynamically.

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