Unit RbwDataGrid4

DescriptionUsesClasses, Interfaces, Objects and RecordsFunctions and ProceduresTypesConstantsVariables


The purpose of RbwDataGrid4 is to define TRbwDataGrid4 and TRbwRowDataGrid. These two components allow individual columns or rows to be specialized for specific data types and to have other related properties.


The software and related documentation were developed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) for use by the USGS in fulfilling its mission. The software can be used, copied, modified, and distributed without any fee or cost. Use of appropriate credit is requested. The software is provided as a minimum in source code form as used on USGS computers. In many cases, the executable runfiles also are provided for these computers.

The USGS provides no warranty, expressed or implied, as to the correctness of the furnished software or the suitability for any purpose. The software has been tested, but as with any complex software, there could be undetected errors. Users who find errors are requested to report them to the USGS. The USGS has limited resources to assist non-USGS users; however, we make an attempt to fix reported problems and help whenever possible. ——————————————————————————–



Classes, Interfaces, Objects and Records

Name Description
Class EColWidthError  
Class EInvalidColumn  
Interface ISpecialFormatter ISpecialFormatter is used in SpecialFormat to assign a TRbwColumnFormat4 to a particular cell that is different from the default format for that cell.
Class TSpecialFormatter TSpecialFormatter implements ISpecialFormatter.
Class TRangeSelections TRangeSelections has a series of TGridRect's that indicate which cells are selected.
Class TCustomRowOrColumn TCustomRowOrColumn is the abstract ancestor of TRbwColumn4 and TRbwRow.
Class TRbwColumn4  
Class TRbwDataGridColumns4  
Class TRbwRow TRbwRow defines how the behavior of a column in a TRbwRowDataGrid.
Class TRbwDataGridRows TRbwDataGridRows is a collection of all the rows in a TRbwRowDataGrid.
Class TCustomRBWDataGrid  
Class TRbwDataGrid4  
Class TAutoAdjustColumn Published declarations
Class TAutoAdjustColumns TAutoAdjustColumns specifies how columns are to adjust their width to fit the text in the column.
Class TRbwRowDataGrid TRbwRowDataGrid is a TStringGrid that restricts the data displayed in a cell based on the Format of the TRbwRow associated with the cell. Cells can also display a combobox or button in a cell
Class TRbwInplaceEdit4 TRbwInplaceEdit4 is used to gain access to the protected UpdateContents procedure.

Functions and Procedures

procedure Register;


TRbwColumnFormat4 = (...);
TChangeCheckEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Longint; const Value: TCheckBoxState) of object;
TBeforeDrawCellEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Longint) of object;
TDistributeTextProgressEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject; Position, Max: integer) of object;
TColSizeEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; ACol, PriorWidth: Longint) of object;
TCheckMoveEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; const Origin, Destination: Longint; var CanMove: boolean) of object;
TGridButtonEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Longint) of object;
TRbwColumnClass4 = class of TRbwColumn4;
TRbwRowClass = class of TRbwRow;
TAutoAdjustColumnClass = class of TAutoAdjustColumn;
TGetButtonCaptionEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; var ButtonCaption: string) of object;
TGetButtonWidthEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; var ButtonWidth: integer) of object;


CheckBoxSize = 13;
ComboAdustSize = 22;


Functions and Procedures

procedure Register;


TRbwColumnFormat4 = (...);

TRbwColumnFormat4 specifies the type of data stored in a column of a TRbwDataGrid4 or a row of a TRbwRowDataGrid.

  • rcf4String:  
  • rcf4Integer:  
  • rcf4Real:  
  • rcf4Boolean:  
TChangeCheckEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Longint; const Value: TCheckBoxState) of object;

TChangeCheckEvent is the type of TCustomRBWDataGrid.OnStateChange. It occurs the TCheckBoxState of check box changes.

= the TCustomRBWDataGrid.
= the column that is being drawn.
= the row that is being drawn.
= the new TCheckBoxState of the checkbox.
TBeforeDrawCellEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Longint) of object;

TBeforeDrawCellEvent is the type of TCustomRBWDataGrid.OnBeforeDrawCell. A TBeforeDrawCellEvent is called just before a cell specified by ACol and ARow is drawn.

= the TCustomRBWDataGrid.
= the column that is being drawn.
= the row that is being drawn.
TDistributeTextProgressEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject; Position, Max: integer) of object;
TColSizeEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; ACol, PriorWidth: Longint) of object;

TColSizeEvent is the type of TCustomRBWDataGrid.OnColSize

= the TCustomRBWDataGrid.
= the column whose width has changed.
= the old width of ACol.
TCheckMoveEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; const Origin, Destination: Longint; var CanMove: boolean) of object;

TCheckMoveEvent is the type of TCustomRBWDataGrid.OnRowMoving and TCustomRBWDataGrid.OnColMoving

= the TCustomRBWDataGrid.
= the column or row being moved.
= the new position of the column or row being moved.
= Set CanMove to false to prevent the move.
TGridButtonEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Longint) of object;

TGridButtonEvent is the type of TCustomRBWDataGrid.OnButtonClick. It occurs when a button is clicked.

= the TCustomRBWDataGrid.
= the column that is being drawn.
= the row that is being drawn.
TRbwColumnClass4 = class of TRbwColumn4;
TRbwRowClass = class of TRbwRow;

TRbwRowClass = class of TRbwRow;

TAutoAdjustColumnClass = class of TAutoAdjustColumn;

TAutoAdjustColumnClass = class of TAutoAdjustColumn;

TGetButtonCaptionEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; var ButtonCaption: string) of object;
TGetButtonWidthEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; var ButtonWidth: integer) of object;


CheckBoxSize = 13;

CheckBoxSize represents the size of a check box.

ComboAdustSize = 22;

ComboAdustSize represents the width of a combobox occupied by the down arrow. ComboAdustSize is used in AdjustColWidths to ensure that the text in a cell is fully visible when that text is being edited in a combobox.


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