Unit MostRecentlyUsedFiles

DescriptionUsesClasses, Interfaces, Objects and RecordsFunctions and ProceduresTypesConstantsVariables


The main purpose of MostRecentlyUsedFiles is to define TvRbwMostRecentlyUsed which manages a list of the most recently used files in an application. It creates menu items for them that can be used to open those files.



Classes, Interfaces, Objects and Records

Name Description
Class E_MRU_Exception E_MRU_Exception is used for Exceptions generated by TvRbwMostRecentlyUsed.
Class TRecentFileMenuItem TRecentFileMenuItem is a specialized TMenuItem that has a FileName property.
Class TvRbwMostRecentlyUsed TvRbwMostRecentlyUsed manages a list of the most recently used files in an application.

Functions and Procedures

procedure Register;


TMenuItemPosition = (...);


Functions and Procedures

procedure Register;

Register registers TvRbwMostRecentlyUsed with the Delphi IDE on the RBW page.


TMenuItemPosition = (...);

TMenuItemPosition is used to specify the relationship between the TRecentFileMenuItems generated by TvRbwMostRecentlyUsed and the one specified in TvRbwMostRecentlyUsed.PreviousItem.


Generated by PasDoc 0.12.1 on 2013-05-13 15:41:53