Class TModflowPackageSelection




type TModflowPackageSelection = class(TPersistent)





Private FComments: TStrings;
Private FModel: TBaseModel;
Private FPackageIdentifier: string;
Private FClassification: string;
Private FFrame: pointer;
Private FNode: pointer;
Private FSelectionType: TSelectionType;
Protected FIsSelected: boolean;


Private procedure InvalidateModel;
Private procedure SetComments(const Value: TStrings);
Protected procedure SetIsSelected(const Value: boolean); virtual;
Protected procedure DischargeRoutingUpdate;
Protected function PackageUsed(Sender: TObject): boolean;
Protected procedure AddTimeList(TimeList: TCustomTimeList);
Protected procedure RemoveTimeList(TimeList: TCustomTimeList);
Protected procedure UpdateDisplayUseList(NewUseList: TStringList; ParamType: TParameterType; DataIndex: integer; const DisplayName: string);
Protected procedure UpdateUseList(DataIndex: integer; NewUseList: TStringList; Item: TCustomModflowBoundaryItem);
Protected procedure OnValueChanged(Sender: TObject);
Protected procedure SetIntegerProperty(var Field: integer; const Value: integer);
Protected procedure SetBooleanProperty(var Field: boolean; const Value: boolean);
Protected procedure SetRealProperty(var Field: real; const Value: real);
Public procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent); override;
Public Constructor Create(Model: TBaseModel);
Public Destructor Destroy; override;
Public procedure InvalidateAllTimeLists; virtual;
Public procedure InitializeVariables; virtual;


Public property PackageIdentifier: string read FPackageIdentifier write FPackageIdentifier;
Public property Classification: string read FClassification write FClassification;
Public property Frame: pointer read FFrame write FFrame;
Public property Node: pointer read FNode write FNode;
Public property SelectionType: TSelectionType read FSelectionType write FSelectionType;
Published property IsSelected: boolean read FIsSelected write SetIsSelected;
Published property Comments: TStrings read FComments write SetComments;



Private FComments: TStrings;
Private FModel: TBaseModel;
Private FPackageIdentifier: string;
Private FClassification: string;
Private FFrame: pointer;
Private FNode: pointer;
Private FSelectionType: TSelectionType;
Protected FIsSelected: boolean;


Private procedure InvalidateModel;
Private procedure SetComments(const Value: TStrings);
Protected procedure SetIsSelected(const Value: boolean); virtual;
Protected procedure DischargeRoutingUpdate;
Protected function PackageUsed(Sender: TObject): boolean;
Protected procedure AddTimeList(TimeList: TCustomTimeList);
Protected procedure RemoveTimeList(TimeList: TCustomTimeList);
Protected procedure UpdateDisplayUseList(NewUseList: TStringList; ParamType: TParameterType; DataIndex: integer; const DisplayName: string);

UpdateDisplayUseList is used when determining what data sets or global variables are used when evaluating the formula for a MODFLOW boundary condition.

Protected procedure UpdateUseList(DataIndex: integer; NewUseList: TStringList; Item: TCustomModflowBoundaryItem);
Protected procedure OnValueChanged(Sender: TObject);
Protected procedure SetIntegerProperty(var Field: integer; const Value: integer);
Protected procedure SetBooleanProperty(var Field: boolean; const Value: boolean);
Protected procedure SetRealProperty(var Field: real; const Value: real);
Public procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent); override;
Public Constructor Create(Model: TBaseModel);
Public Destructor Destroy; override;
Public procedure InvalidateAllTimeLists; virtual;
Public procedure InitializeVariables; virtual;


Public property PackageIdentifier: string read FPackageIdentifier write FPackageIdentifier;

PackageIdentifier is a string used to label items related to the package. For example, in TfrmShowHideObjects, PackageIdentifier is used to label the objects that set the boundary conditions for a particular package.

Public property Classification: string read FClassification write FClassification;

Classification is used to set up a hierarchical arrangement of PackageIdentifiers.

Public property Frame: pointer read FFrame write FFrame;

Frame is used in TfrmModflowPackages to associate a particular package with a particular TFrame.

Public property Node: pointer read FNode write FNode;

Node is used in TfrmModflowPackages to display or change IsSelected.

Public property SelectionType: TSelectionType read FSelectionType write FSelectionType;
Published property IsSelected: boolean read FIsSelected write SetIsSelected;
Published property Comments: TStrings read FComments write SetComments;

Generated by PasDoc 0.12.1 on 2013-05-13 15:41:48