Class TLayerStructure




type TLayerStructure = class(TCustomLayerStructure)


no description available, TCustomLayerStructure description follows
no description available, TLayerOwnerCollection description follows

TLayerOwnerCollection is a TEnhancedOrderedCollection that stores of list of TDataArrays that it can delete. The list (NewDataSets) is not created by the TLayerOwnerCollection. Instead another class creates it and assigns it to TLayerOwnerCollection. TUndoChangeLgrPackageSelection is an example of a class that assigns NewDataSets.

When a new TDataArray is created, it should be added to NewDataSets using AddOwnedDataArray; In DoCommand, ClearNewDataSets should be called before the TDataArrays are created. In Undo, RemoveNewDataSets should be called;




Private FSimulatedNotifier: TObserver;
Private FAquiferTypeNotifier: TObserver;


Private function GetLayerGroup(const Index: integer): TLayerGroup;
Private function IntegerArray(Method: TIntTypeMethod): TOneDIntegerArray;
Private function FloatArray(Method: TFloatTypeMethod): TOneDRealArray;
Public function Last: TLayerGroup;
Public function NonSimulatedLayersPresent: boolean;
Public procedure AssignAssociatedInputDataSets;
Public procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent); override;
Public constructor Create(Model: TBaseModel);
Public destructor Destroy; override;
Public procedure Loaded; override;
Public function ModflowLayerCount: integer;
Public function ModflowConfiningBedCount: integer;
Public procedure WriteLAYCB(const DiscretizationWriter: TObject);
Public function ModflowLayerBottomDescription(const LayerID: integer): string;
Public function IsLayerSimulated(const LayerID: integer): boolean;
Public Function Laytyp: TOneDIntegerArray;
Public Function Layavg: TOneDIntegerArray;
Public function Chani: TOneDIntegerArray;
Public Function Layvka: TOneDIntegerArray;
Public function Trpy: TOneDRealArray;
Public Function ModflowLayerToDataSetLayer(ModflowLayer: integer): integer;
Public function DataSetLayerToModflowLayer(DataSetLayer: integer): integer;
Public function GetLayerGroupByLayer(const Layer: integer): TLayerGroup;
Public procedure StopTalkingToAnyone;
Public function SubsidenceDefined: boolean;
Public function SwtDefined: boolean;
Public function DelayCount: integer;
Public function NoDelayCount: integer;
Public function WaterTableCount: integer;
Public Function TRPT: TOneDRealArray;
Public function TRPV: TOneDRealArray;
Public Function DMCOEF: TOneDRealArray;


Public property LayerGroups[constIndex:integer]: TLayerGroup read GetLayerGroup;
Public property SimulatedNotifier: TObserver read FSimulatedNotifier;
Public property AquiferTypeNotifier: TObserver read FAquiferTypeNotifier;



Private FSimulatedNotifier: TObserver;
Private FAquiferTypeNotifier: TObserver;


Private function GetLayerGroup(const Index: integer): TLayerGroup;
Private function IntegerArray(Method: TIntTypeMethod): TOneDIntegerArray;
Private function FloatArray(Method: TFloatTypeMethod): TOneDRealArray;
Public function Last: TLayerGroup;

function First: TLayerGroup;

Public function NonSimulatedLayersPresent: boolean;
Public procedure AssignAssociatedInputDataSets;
Public procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent); override;
Public constructor Create(Model: TBaseModel);
Public destructor Destroy; override;
Public procedure Loaded; override;
Public function ModflowLayerCount: integer;
Public function ModflowConfiningBedCount: integer;
Public procedure WriteLAYCB(const DiscretizationWriter: TObject);
Public function ModflowLayerBottomDescription(const LayerID: integer): string;
Public function IsLayerSimulated(const LayerID: integer): boolean;

IsLayerSimulated returns true if a layer in the grid is simulated LayerID is zero-based.

Public Function Laytyp: TOneDIntegerArray;
Public Function Layavg: TOneDIntegerArray;
Public function Chani: TOneDIntegerArray;
Public Function Layvka: TOneDIntegerArray;
Public function Trpy: TOneDRealArray;
Public Function ModflowLayerToDataSetLayer(ModflowLayer: integer): integer;

ModflowLayerToDataSetLayer converts a MODFLOW model layer (starting at 1) to the appropriate index in a 3D data array;

Public function DataSetLayerToModflowLayer(DataSetLayer: integer): integer;
Public function GetLayerGroupByLayer(const Layer: integer): TLayerGroup;

GetLayerGroupByLayer returns the TLayerGroup that contains Layer. Layer is zero-based.

Public procedure StopTalkingToAnyone;
Public function SubsidenceDefined: boolean;
Public function SwtDefined: boolean;
Public function DelayCount: integer;
Public function NoDelayCount: integer;
Public function WaterTableCount: integer;
Public Function TRPT: TOneDRealArray;
Public function TRPV: TOneDRealArray;
Public Function DMCOEF: TOneDRealArray;


Public property LayerGroups[constIndex:integer]: TLayerGroup read GetLayerGroup;
Public property SimulatedNotifier: TObserver read FSimulatedNotifier;
Public property AquiferTypeNotifier: TObserver read FAquiferTypeNotifier;

Generated by PasDoc 0.12.1 on 2013-05-13 15:41:43