Class TGrowItem




type TGrowItem = class(TOrderedItem)


no description available, TOrderedItem description follows

TOrderedItem is designed to allow TOrderedCollection to identify changed and new items during TOrderedCollection.Assign.




Private FGrowthControls: TGrowthControls;


Private procedure SetGrowthMethod(const Value: TGrowthMethod);
Private procedure SetGrowthRate(const Value: real);
Private function GetGrowthMethod: TGrowthMethod;
Private function GetGrowthRate: real;
Private function GetLayerCollection: TLayerCollection;
Private procedure SetGrowthControls(const Value: TGrowthControls);
Protected function StoreLayerCollection: boolean; virtual;
Protected procedure SetLayerCollection(const Value: TLayerCollection); virtual;
Protected function IsSame(AnotherItem: TOrderedItem): boolean; override;
Public procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent); override;
Public constructor Create(Collection: TCollection); override;
Public destructor Destroy; override;
Public function LayerCount: Integer; virtual;


Published property GrowthMethod: TGrowthMethod read GetGrowthMethod write SetGrowthMethod stored False;
Published property GrowthRate: real read GetGrowthRate write SetGrowthRate stored False;
Published property LayerCollection: TLayerCollection read GetLayerCollection write SetLayerCollection stored False;
Published property GrowthControls: TGrowthControls read FGrowthControls write SetGrowthControls;



Private FGrowthControls: TGrowthControls;


Private procedure SetGrowthMethod(const Value: TGrowthMethod);
Private procedure SetGrowthRate(const Value: real);
Private function GetGrowthMethod: TGrowthMethod;
Private function GetGrowthRate: real;
Private function GetLayerCollection: TLayerCollection;
Private procedure SetGrowthControls(const Value: TGrowthControls);
Protected function StoreLayerCollection: boolean; virtual;
Protected procedure SetLayerCollection(const Value: TLayerCollection); virtual;
Protected function IsSame(AnotherItem: TOrderedItem): boolean; override;
Public procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent); override;
Public constructor Create(Collection: TCollection); override;
Public destructor Destroy; override;
Public function LayerCount: Integer; virtual;


Published property GrowthMethod: TGrowthMethod read GetGrowthMethod write SetGrowthMethod stored False;

When a layer group is split into more than one layer, GrowthMethod defines how the thickness of those layers is specified.

Published property GrowthRate: real read GetGrowthRate write SetGrowthRate stored False;

When GrowthMethod is gmUp, gmDown, gmMiddle, or gmEdge, GrowthRate is used to help define how the thickness of those layers is calculated.

Published property LayerCollection: TLayerCollection read GetLayerCollection write SetLayerCollection stored False;

LayerCollection defines the layer or layers in TGrowItem.

Published property GrowthControls: TGrowthControls read FGrowthControls write SetGrowthControls;

Generated by PasDoc 0.12.1 on 2013-05-13 15:41:43