Unit IniFileUtilities

DescriptionUsesClasses, Interfaces, Objects and RecordsFunctions and ProceduresTypesConstantsVariables


IniFileUtilities declares IniFileName which returns the full path of an .ini file.



Functions and Procedures

function IniFileName(Handle: HWnd; ExeName: string): string;
function InternetIniFileName(Handle: HWnd; ExeName: string): string;
function GetAppDirectory(Handle: HWnd; ProgramName: string): string;


Functions and Procedures

function IniFileName(Handle: HWnd; ExeName: string): string;

IniFileName returns the full path of an .ini file for the application specified by ExeName. The .ini file will be in a subdirectory of the "Application Data" directory for the system. If it does not exist the subdirectory of the "Application Data" directory will be created.

function InternetIniFileName(Handle: HWnd; ExeName: string): string;
function GetAppDirectory(Handle: HWnd; ProgramName: string): string;

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