Class TCustomBoundaryGroup




type TCustomBoundaryGroup = class(TCustomZoneGroup)


TCustomBoundaryGroup is used to determine a set of zones for leaky and flux boundary conditions.




Private FBoundaryTimeList: TRealList;
Private FSolutionTimeList: TRealList;


Private function GetBoundaryTimeCount: integer;
Private function GetBoundaryTimes(Index: integer): double;
Private function GetSolutionTimeCount: integer;
Private function GetSolutionTimes(Index: integer): double;
Private function GetZone(Index: integer): TBoundaryZone;
Protected procedure EliminateExtraZones; virtual;
Protected function GetBoundaryType: integer; virtual; abstract;
Protected function GetDataSets: TBoundaryDataSetsType; virtual; abstract;
Protected procedure StoreTimes(const DataSets: TCustomBoundaryDataSets);
Public constructor Create;
Public destructor Destroy; override;


Public property BoundaryTimeCount: integer read GetBoundaryTimeCount;
Public property BoundaryTimes[Index:integer]: double read GetBoundaryTimes;
Public property SolutionTimeCount: integer read GetSolutionTimeCount;
Public property SolutionTimes[Index:integer]: double read GetSolutionTimes;
Public property Zones[Index:integer]: TBoundaryZone read GetZone;



Private FBoundaryTimeList: TRealList;

FBoundaryTimeList: TRealList; See BoundaryTimes.

Private FSolutionTimeList: TRealList;

FSolutionTimeList: TRealList; See SolutionTimes.


Private function GetBoundaryTimeCount: integer;

See BoundaryTimeCount.

Private function GetBoundaryTimes(Index: integer): double;

See BoundaryTimes.

Private function GetSolutionTimeCount: integer;

See SolutionTimeCount.

Private function GetSolutionTimes(Index: integer): double;

See SolutionTimes.

Private function GetZone(Index: integer): TBoundaryZone;

See Zones.

Protected procedure EliminateExtraZones; virtual;

EliminateExtraZones checks each of the zones that have been created and deletes any that don't have values. Thus, it eliminates all the zones where the boundary condition is absent.

Protected function GetBoundaryType: integer; virtual; abstract;

GetBoundaryType identifies the type of boundary represented by this zone.

Protected function GetDataSets: TBoundaryDataSetsType; virtual; abstract;

GetDataSets returns a TBoundaryDataSetsType which is used in Create.

Protected procedure StoreTimes(const DataSets: TCustomBoundaryDataSets);

StoreTimes reads the times in the model for the flux boundary or leaky boundary and stores them in FBoundaryTimeList and FSolutionTimeList. See BoundaryTimes and SolutionTimes.

Public constructor Create;

Create creates an instance of TCustomBoundaryGroup and creates the TBoundaryZones for it.

Public destructor Destroy; override;

Destroy destroys the current instance of TCustomBoundaryGroup. Do not call Destroy directly. Call Free instead.


Public property BoundaryTimeCount: integer read GetBoundaryTimeCount;

BoundaryTimeCount gives the number of times associated with the leaky or flux boundary.

Public property BoundaryTimes[Index:integer]: double read GetBoundaryTimes;

BoundaryTimes gives the times associated with the leaky or flux boundary.

Public property SolutionTimeCount: integer read GetSolutionTimeCount;

SolutionTimeCount gives the number of times associated with the leaky or flux boundary associated solution.

Public property SolutionTimes[Index:integer]: double read GetSolutionTimes;

SolutionTimes gives the times associated with the leaky or flux boundary associated solution.

Public property Zones[Index:integer]: TBoundaryZone read GetZone;

Zones allows access to the TBoundaryZones for this TCustomBoundaryGroup. See TCustomZoneGroup.Zones ZoneCount.

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