Unit CursorsFoiledAgain

DescriptionUsesClasses, Interfaces, Objects and RecordsFunctions and ProceduresTypesConstantsVariables


CursorsFoiledAgain defines a series of cursor constants. It creates the associated cursors in the initialization section and destroys them in the finalization section.

The bitmaps for the cursors are stored in ModelMuseCursors.res.




crHandFlat = 34;
crZoomIn = 2;
crZoomOut = 3;
crZoom = 4;
crDelete = 5;
crHorizontal = 6;
crVertical = 7;
crMoveColumn = 8;
crMoveRow = 9;
crSubdivide = 10;
crSelectPoint = 11;
crHandGrab = 12;
crInsertPoint = 13;
crDeleteSegment = 14;
crDisabledInsertPoint = 15;
crDisabledDeleteSegment = 16;
crSetWidth = 17;
crRotate = 18;
crPointArrow = 19;
crLineArrow = 20;
crPolygonArrow = 21;
crStraightLineArrow = 22;
crRectangleArrow = 23;
crMultiPartPolygon = 24;
crMultiPartLine = 25;
crMultiPartPoint = 26;
crSnapPointArrow = 27;
crSnapLineArrow = 28;
crSnapPolygonArrow = 29;
crSnapStraightLineArrow = 30;
crSnapRectangleArrow = 31;
crSnapMultiPartPolygon = 32;
crSnapMultiPartPoint = 35;
crSnapMultiPartLine = 36;
crZoomByY = 33;
crSnapSelectPoint = 37;
crVertexValue = 38;
crMeasure = 39;
crMoveCrossSection = 40;
crFishnet = 50;
crMoveNode = 51;



crHandFlat = 34;

crHandFlat represents a cursor shaped like a hand. See crHandGrab.

crZoomIn = 2;

crZoomIn represents a cursor shaped like a magnifying glass with a "+" symbol in the middle. See crZoomOut and crZoom.

crZoomOut = 3;

crZoomOut represents a cursor shaped like a magnifying glass with a "-" symbol in the middle. See crZoomIn and crZoom.

crZoom = 4;

crZoom represents a cursor shaped like a magnifying glass. See crZoomIn and crZoomOut.

crDelete = 5;

crDelete represents a cursor shaped like an "X".

crHorizontal = 6;

crHorizontal represents a cursor shaped like a horizontal line.

crVertical = 7;

crVertical represents a cursor shaped like a vertical line.

crMoveColumn = 8;

crMoveColumn represents a cursor shaped like two vertical lines close together with arrows point away from them horizontally.

crMoveRow = 9;

crMoveRow represents a cursor shaped like two horizontal lines close together with arrows point away from them vertically.

crSubdivide = 10;

crSubdivide represents a cursor shaped like three vertical lines close together crossed by three horizontal lines.

crSelectPoint = 11;

crSelectPoint represents a cursor shaped like a large arrowhead.

crHandGrab = 12;

crHandGrab represents a cursor shaped like a hand with bent fingers as if holding something. See crHandGrab.

crInsertPoint = 13;

crInsertPoint represents a cursor shaped like A large "+" with a dot in the middle with a smaller dot and line in the upper left.

crDeleteSegment = 14;

crDeleteSegment represents a cursor shaped like A large "X" with a smaller broken line in the upper left.

crDisabledInsertPoint = 15;

crDisabledInsertPoint represents a cursor shaped like A large "+" with a dot in the middle with a smaller dot and line in the upper left. the "+" is drawn with a dotted line.

crDisabledDeleteSegment = 16;

crDisabledDeleteSegment represents a cursor shaped like A large "X" with a smaller broken line in the upper left. the "X" is drawn with a dotted line.

crSetWidth = 17;

crSetWidth represents a cursor shaped like two widely spaced vertical lines close together crossed by two widely spaced horizontal lines.

crRotate = 18;

crRotate represents a cursor shaped like a curved, double-headed arrow with a dot at the center of the circle defined by the curve.

crPointArrow = 19;

crPointArrow represents a cursor shaped like an arrow with a large point in the upper right.

crLineArrow = 20;

crLineArrow represents a cursor shaped like an arrow with a poly line on the right.

crPolygonArrow = 21;

crPolygonArrow represents a cursor shaped like an arrow with a polygon on the right.

crStraightLineArrow = 22;

crStraightLineArrow represents a cursor shaped like an arrow with a stair-step pattern on the right.

crRectangleArrow = 23;

crRectangleArrow represents a cursor shaped like an arrow with a rectangle on the right.

crMultiPartPolygon = 24;

crMultiPartPolygon represents a cursor with multiple polygons. The cursor is used when drawing TScreenObjects with multiple polygons.

crMultiPartLine = 25;

crMultiPartLine represents a cursor with multiple lines. The cursor is used when drawing TScreenObjects with multiple lines.

crMultiPartPoint = 26;

crMultiPartPoint represents a cursor with multiple points. The cursor is used when drawing TScreenObjects with multiple points.

crSnapPointArrow = 27;
crSnapLineArrow = 28;
crSnapPolygonArrow = 29;
crSnapStraightLineArrow = 30;
crSnapRectangleArrow = 31;
crSnapMultiPartPolygon = 32;
crSnapMultiPartPoint = 35;
crSnapMultiPartLine = 36;
crZoomByY = 33;

crZoomByY represents a cursor shaped like a magnifying glass with a plus sign above it and a minus sign below it.

crSnapSelectPoint = 37;

crSnapSelectPoint represents a cursor shaped like a large arrowhead.

crVertexValue = 38;
crMeasure = 39;
crMoveCrossSection = 40;
crFishnet = 50;
crMoveNode = 51;

Generated by PasDoc 0.12.1 on 2013-05-13 15:41:29