Unit ConvexHullUnit

DescriptionUsesClasses, Interfaces, Objects and RecordsFunctions and ProceduresTypesConstantsVariables





Functions and Procedures

procedure ConvexHull(const InputPoints: TPolygon2D; out OutputPoints : TPolygon2D; const Epsilon: TFloat = 0);
procedure ConvexHull2(const InputPoints: TPolygon2D; out InputOrientation: integer; out OutputPoints : TPolygon2D; const Epsilon: TFloat = 0);


Functions and Procedures

procedure ConvexHull(const InputPoints: TPolygon2D; out OutputPoints : TPolygon2D; const Epsilon: TFloat = 0);

ConvexHull generates the convex hull of the points defined in InputPoints. OutputPoints will contain all points that intersect the convex hull, not just the minimal set required to define the convex hull.

procedure ConvexHull2(const InputPoints: TPolygon2D; out InputOrientation: integer; out OutputPoints : TPolygon2D; const Epsilon: TFloat = 0);

ConvexHull2 is like ConvexHull except that InputOrientation will be set to FastGeo.CollinearOrientation, FastGeo.CounterClockwise, or FastGeo.Clockwise depending on the orientation of InputPoints. InputPoints must represent a polygon and not a random set of points for InputOrientation to be meaningful.

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