Unit CalCompRoutines

DescriptionUsesClasses, Interfaces, Objects and RecordsFunctions and ProceduresTypesConstantsVariables


TRICP was designed to call plotting routines in the (obsolete) Calcomp plotter. These routines replace the Calcomp plotter routines.

This file is in the public domain.



Functions and Procedures

procedure PLOTS; stdcall;
procedure SYMBOL(var XD: Real; var YD: Real; var Scale: Real; var Dummy1: longint; var Dummy2: Real; var Dummy3: longint); stdcall;
procedure PLOT(var X, Y: Real; var IPEN: integer); stdcall;
procedure NUMBER (var X0,Y0,Scale: Real; var NumberToPlot: Real; var Dummy2: Real; var Dummy3: longint); stdcall;
procedure SpecifyContourLevel(const ContourLevel: Real; const TriangleNumber, TriangleSide: longint);
procedure StoreArrays(X, Y: TRealArray; Triangles: TIntArray);


TShowPlot = procedure;
TShowPlotObject = procedure of object;


ShowPlot: TShowPlot = nil;
ShowPlotObject: TShowPlotObject = nil;


Functions and Procedures

procedure PLOTS; stdcall;


procedure SYMBOL(var XD: Real; var YD: Real; var Scale: Real; var Dummy1: longint; var Dummy2: Real; var Dummy3: longint); stdcall;

As used here, simply plot a dot at the specified location.

procedure PLOT(var X, Y: Real; var IPEN: integer); stdcall;

calling with IPEN = 3 starts a new line. calling with IPEN = 2 continues a line. calling with IPEN = 999 closes the plot by setting CurrentLineList to nil and then calls ShowPlot or ShowPlotObject if either has been assigned.

procedure NUMBER (var X0,Y0,Scale: Real; var NumberToPlot: Real; var Dummy2: Real; var Dummy3: longint); stdcall;

NUMBER adds X0, Y0 and NumberToPlot to CurrentLineList.Numbers.

procedure SpecifyContourLevel(const ContourLevel: Real; const TriangleNumber, TriangleSide: longint);

SpecifyContourLevel sets CurrentLine.ContourLevel and CurrentLine.TriangleNumber of CurrentLine.

procedure StoreArrays(X, Y: TRealArray; Triangles: TIntArray);

StoreArrays sets CurrentLineList.XD, CurrentLineList.YD, and CurrentLineList.Triangles of CurrentLineList.


TShowPlot = procedure;

TShowPlot is a type of procedure used to display a contour plot.

See also
TShowPlotObject is a type of procedure used to display a contour plot.
If assigned, ShowPlot is called in PLOT when all the contour lines have been created.
TShowPlotObject = procedure of object;

TShowPlotObject is a type of procedure used to display a contour plot. .

See also
TShowPlot is a type of procedure used to display a contour plot.
If assigned, ShowPlotObject is called in PLOT when all the contour lines have been created.


ShowPlot: TShowPlot = nil;

If assigned, ShowPlot is called in PLOT when all the contour lines have been created. Either ShowPlot of ShowPlotObject Should be assigned before calling TRICP_Pascal.

ShowPlotObject: TShowPlotObject = nil;

If assigned, ShowPlotObject is called in PLOT when all the contour lines have been created. Either ShowPlotObject of ShowPlot Should be assigned before calling TRICP_Pascal.


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