Unit BigCanvasMethods

DescriptionUsesClasses, Interfaces, Objects and RecordsFunctions and ProceduresTypesConstantsVariables


BigCanvasMethods provides methods that can be used to draw on a TBitmap32 when the coordinates used for drawing are outside the range of a smallint.



Functions and Procedures

procedure DrawBigPolyline32(const BitMap: TBitmap32; const Color: TColor32; const LineThickness: single; const Points: array of TPoint; FirstLine: boolean; UseStipple: boolean = False; StartIndex: Integer = 0; NumPts: Integer = -1);
procedure DrawBigPolygon32(const BitMap: TBitmap32; const OutlineColor, FillColor: TColor32; const LineThickness: single; Points: TPointArray; var Polygon: TPolygon32; const MultiplePolygons, PolygonComplete: boolean; UseStipple: boolean = false; StartIndex: Integer = 0; NumPts: Integer = -1);
procedure DrawBigRectangle32(const BitMap: TBitmap32; const OutlineColor, FillColor: TColor32; const LineThickness: single; X1, Y1, X2, Y2: Integer; UseStipple: boolean = False); overload;
procedure DrawBigRectangle32(const BitMap: TBitmap32; const OutlineColor, FillColor: TColor32; const LineThickness: single; const ARect: TRect; UseStipple: boolean = False); overload;


Functions and Procedures

procedure DrawBigPolyline32(const BitMap: TBitmap32; const Color: TColor32; const LineThickness: single; const Points: array of TPoint; FirstLine: boolean; UseStipple: boolean = False; StartIndex: Integer = 0; NumPts: Integer = -1);

DrawBigPolyline32 draws a polyline on BitMap.

Points holds the locations for drawing the polyline. StartIndex is the position within Points where the line should be started. NumPts is the number of points to include in the polyline. If NumPts is less than zero, the polyline will include all points from StartIndex to the end of the Points array. As currently used, FirstLine is always called with a value of True. If UseStipple is True and LineThickness is 1, the polyline will be dashed.

procedure DrawBigPolygon32(const BitMap: TBitmap32; const OutlineColor, FillColor: TColor32; const LineThickness: single; Points: TPointArray; var Polygon: TPolygon32; const MultiplePolygons, PolygonComplete: boolean; UseStipple: boolean = false; StartIndex: Integer = 0; NumPts: Integer = -1);

DrawBigPolygon32 draws a polygon on BitMap.

Points holds the locations for drawing the polyline. StartIndex is the position within Points where the line should be started. NumPts is the number of points to include in the polyline. If NumPts is less than zero, the polyline will include all points from StartIndex to the end of the Points array. If UseStipple is True and LineThickness is 1, the polyline will be dashed.

If the polygon consists of multiple parts, each part is drawn with a call to DrawBigPolygon32 and for the final part, PolygonComplete should be set to True. if MultiplePolygons is True, Polygon will be created if it is nil and returned to the calling routine for use in the next call to DrawBigPolygon32. The calling routine is responsible for destroying Polygon after the last call to DrawBigPolygon32 for that polygon.

procedure DrawBigRectangle32(const BitMap: TBitmap32; const OutlineColor, FillColor: TColor32; const LineThickness: single; X1, Y1, X2, Y2: Integer; UseStipple: boolean = False); overload;

DrawBigRectangle32 draws a rectangle with opposite corners defined by (X1,Y1) and (X2,Y2).

procedure DrawBigRectangle32(const BitMap: TBitmap32; const OutlineColor, FillColor: TColor32; const LineThickness: single; const ARect: TRect; UseStipple: boolean = False); overload;

DrawBigRectangle32 draws a rectangle defined by ARect.

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