National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Project
Article and supplemental material
Model Predictions (4.13 MB) for instream nitrogen load and yield for 8,028 stream reaches and 293 shoreline reaches in the southeast, and the fraction of instream nitrogen load that is delivered to the basin outlet.
The data assembled to support model calibration are available in a separate report:
Hoos, A.B. and others, 2008, Data to support statistical modeling of instream nutrient load based on watershed attributes, southeastern United States, 2002, U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2008-1163, 50p. Supporting data include watershed and reach level attributes for nutrient sources and transport for 8,028 stream reaches and mean annual nitrogen and phosphorus load, detrended to 2002, at over 750 stream monitoring sites throughout the southeast.
Anne Hoos
U.S. Geological Survey
640 Grassmere Park, Suite 100
Nashville, TN 37211
Victor Roland
U.S. Geological Survey
640 Grassmere Park, Suite 100
Nashville, TN 37211