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HIF/FISP Part # 4108040

*Call the HIF at (800) 382-0634 for final pricing and ordering.

The US RBP-06 is a rechargeable battery pack designed for use with the P-Series suspended sediment samplers (P-61-A1, P-63, and P-72). It replaces the perviour US BRP-95.

The unit includes four (4) 12V, 5 Amp-Hour batteries and an alternating current (AC) wall charger to keep the batteries charged. (Units received from the HIF need to be charged for 24 hours prior to intital use.) The US RBP-06 uses the 12V batteries to produce a high voltage signal of around 50-volts direct current (Vdc). This higher voltage is used to actuate the solenoid in the sampler.

The US RBP-06 is housed in a hand-held, waterproof carrying case.

Dimensions: 16" W x 13" L x 7" D. Wt: 24 lbs.


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Page Last Modified: Friday, 14-Dec-2018 13:21:01 EST