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Department of the Interior
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U.S. Geological Survey
Volunteers for Science

Topics of Interest
Chesapeake Bay Activities
Great Lakes - St. Lawrence Region

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Eastern Region - Northeast and Midwest Areas
(formerly Northeastern Region)

Northeast Area - Offices

Water Science Centers
Connecticut | Maine | Maryland-Del. D.C. | New Hampshire-Vermont 
New Jersey | New York | Pennsylvania | Virginia | West Virginia | Massachusetts-Rhode Island
Science Centers & Programs
Minerals Information | Coastal & Marine Geology | Eastern Earth Processes Team
Patuxent Wildlife Research Center | Leetown Science Center

Midwest Area - Offices

Water Science Centers
Illinois | IndianaKentuckyMichigan | Ohio | Wisconsin
Science Centers & Programs
Energy Resources Program | Minerals Resources Program | Great Lakes Science Center
National Wildlife Health Center | Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center

U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey
Maintainer: Webmaster
Last update: 05/21/08
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